Chapter 31

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Sasuke: I heard that you use sand as your weapon
Gaara: from who... is it Naruto?...
Sasuke: what makes you think so ( thought ) Naruto?
Gaara: he is the same as me.... the outcast of the village...the child abandon by his own parent... and the weapon of the village...
Sasuke: ( thought ) Outcast? Abandon? Weapon?
Genma: ready... go! ( jump backwards )

Gaara used his sand and started to attack Sasuke and Sasuke just block it and after some really long long long long long long long long long long long this and that Sasuke use his new technique, Chidori.

Naruto: ( with his Anbu mask ) so this is the new trick you teach him
Kakashi: he looks like he need it
Naruto: haha...
Kakashi: I thought you were expected to be on stand by?
Naruto: I'm too lazy to do that
Kakashi: ( sweat drop ) please be more responsible, leader
Naruto: I would if...

An explosion occur, the audience all fall into a deep slumber. Giant snakes appeared in the middle of the village

Naruto: genjutsu.... ( do the hand sign ) kai!
Kakashi/Gai/Sakura: Kai!
Naruto: looks like we got company...
Masked man A: we left out som... ( a kunai stabbed his neck ) gah...
Masked man B: oi!!.... ( eyes widened ) f... fox
Naruto: ( tilt his head ) hello there, mister
Masked man C: we didn't heard about this! I thought fox was out on a mission!!
Naruto: ten huh... left with nine... should be done within three minutes...
Kakashi: Na... I mean fox! I help out!
Naruto: then make it one minute, let's get this over with...

Twenty seconds later...

Naruto: ( retrieving his kunai ) too weak
Kakashi: because they were too surprised to see you here
Sakura: a.. amazing

Naruto looks toward the Kages to see that the Kazekage took Sarutobi as hostage with a kunai at his neck and ran away. Minato behind them.

Naruto: jiji... dad...
Kakashi: Fox, we need to bring everyone out of their genjutsu...
Naruto: ( shunshin )
Kakashi: Naruto!!
Gai: Kakashi! We need to wake them up! ( thought ) na.. ruto?
Kakashi: damn it...

The kazekage brought Sarutobi to a rooftop...

Sarutobi: ( manage to escape from his grip ) kazekage! Why?!
'Kazekage': well, well. Are you amazed that we, the Sunagakure, will actually betray konoha?
Sarutobi: this voice.... Orochimaru?!
Orochimaru: (take off his human mask) too surprised to see me here?
Sarutobi: why... aren't you...
Orochimaru: Locked up? Hahahahaha.... I have my apprentice to help me. You will never guess who she is...
Minato: ( arrived ) sandaime!
Orochimaru: look whose here to join the fun?
Minato: ( eyes widen ) Orochimaru! Why are you here!
Orochimaru: to take my revenge of course, and to bring back some of my people, especially fox and raven Chan~
Minato: some.. of your people?
Sarutobi: you are taking fox away?!
??: as if raven or I will follow you
Minato: Fox!
Orochimaru: Fox Chan! I miss you so much! Do you miss me?
Naruto: not in a million years
Orochimaru: haha... so? Are you going to bully me? Three against one, that's not really fair.
Naruto: there is no such thing as fair in this world
Orochimaru: there is~ if you make it make happen
Minato: what do you mean...
Orochimaru: our little beast is ready to kill some villagers
Naruto:... Gaara...
Orochimaru: hahaha... what will happen to konoha if our little beast is not stop? Maybe... konoha will become a legend
Naruto: you!..
Minato: Fox, you go and stop Gaara from releasing the Ichibi!
Naruto: but...!
Sarutobi: this is an order!
Naruto:... yes sir... ( shunshin away )
Orochimaru: ( sarcastic ) oh no this is bad, I am going against two hokage! What should I do?
Sarutobi and Minato:....
Orochimaru: hehehe... let's go to somewhere where no one can disturb us... Do it.
Sound four: hai!

At Gaara side...
Genma: ( step in front of Sasuke ) to think that this is happening...
Temari: Baki sensei
Baki: Gaara, proceed with the pla... huh...
Gaara: ( clutching his head ) erg...
Temari: I knew it
Kankurō: huh? What do you mean?
Baki: you idiot! Why did you try to transform before the signal!
Temari: Are we doing this without Gaara? two, take Gaara and go.
Kankurō: then what about the mission...
Baki: abort it
Temari: then what about you sensei!
Baki: I'm staying behind... Get going!
Temari/Kankurō: hai.... ( take Gaara and ran )
Genma: is the mastermind... Orochimaru?
Baki: you think I will tell you?
Genma: Sasuke, go after them
Sasuke: what is going on?
Genma: we are under attack, so make yourself useful and go
Sasuke:.... hn... ( went after them )

At Kakashi's side

Ino: ( clutching her head ) what's....going on?
Rito: did I fall asleep?! Who won?!
Ron: something's wrong...
Choji: did something happen?
Sakura: ( wanted to punch shikamaru but he dodge ) you were pretending to be in a genjutsu the whole time?!?!
Shikamaru: i don't want to be involved with all these things...
Mito: ( sit up and thought ) fox is really something... to be able to knock all of them within seconds...
Kakashi: I have a mission for you guys. An A rank one
Sakura: huh?
Ino: what kind of A rank mission?
Kakashi: go after Sasuke and help him to stop Gaara
Rito: that's it? And it's A rank? Shouldn't it be more like 'ka-boom!' ' splash' ' bang!'
Ron: did any of there happen with the wave country mission?
Rito: er... I guess not
Kakashi: it's not a joking matter
Kakashi: you all are going to face an enemy you will never want to and there is a possibility of death
Ino: seriously...
Kakashi: ( bite his thumb ) summoning no jutsu!

A dog appeared...

Mito: a.. dog?
Kakashi: this guy is pakkun, he will lead you all to Sasuke
Rito: can he? He's just a little doggy...
Pakkun: don't called me a cute little doggy!
Rito: I didn't say cute though....
Kakashi: hurry up and go!
Genins: hai!! ( went off )
Gai: that's so thoughtful of you
Kakashi: ha... they will just be a burden if they are here
Masked man 1: we found konoha shinobi at area 32! Some kid went off towards the... ( got punched ) arg!
Gai: we can't have you spoiling our plan
Masked man 1: ( thought ) he's... fast
Kakashi: it's time to exercise, huh...

In the village...

ibiki: where did all these giant snake came from?!
Some other shinobi: we won't can hold it for long!
Ibiki: have all the villager evacuate the area?
Some other shinobi: not yet!
Ibiki: tch... hold the snakes behind as long as you can!
Some other shinobi: yes sir!
??: nippou! Watchtower demolisher no jutsu!

A giant frog appeared and sat on the snake. Squashing the snake to flat pancakes

Some other shinobi: we... we are save...
Ibiki: this jutsu... it can't be
??: haha!! It is I! The one and great sannin! Here to kill these stupid creatures!
Ibiki: jiraiya sama...
Jiraiya: yo! Long time no see, ibiki Chan. Where's the sandaime?
Ibiki: he's at the arena, along with yondaime sama
Jiraiya: he's at the arena?..... what's holding him... ( thought ) don't be dying......


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