Chapter 40

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A black bob haired lady who's carrying a pig, was chasing after the lady in front of her.

Bob haired lady: Tsunade sama! Are we leaving already? But you were finally winning...
Tsunade: I have a bad feeling staying here... let's hurry and leave this place Shizune.
Shizune: but we haven't explored the castle and all...
Tsunade: then let's take a quick look and leave as soon as possible!

Back to Jiraiya's side...

Jiraiya: HAHAHA! Finally we have reached!
Naruto: don't need to be so loud ero-sennin....
Anko: Erm... why are we at casino?
Jiraiya: I told you, Tsunade is known to be a gambler, so someone would have definitely seen her somewhere around the casinos....
Kakashi: let's just hurry and get this over and done with.
Jiraiya: ya ya ya, just watch and learn from the great toad sage!

After a while...

Jiraiya: Cho! (Even)
Gambler: (opens the cup to reveal a six and a three) HAHA too bad old man, you lost again!
Jiraiya: again?? Jeez...
Gambler: you now owe me 3000 yen!
Jiraiya: I know I know... let's do this one more time!
Gambler: HAHA! Sure! Do it as many times as you want!
Iruka: aren't we stopping him...
Kakashi: (smirk) he did tell us to "watch and learn" from him.
Anko: he sucks at guessing dices
Gambler: HAHA! You lost again.
Jiraiya: Damn it!!
Itachi: looks like we would be staying here for a while... where's Naruto?
Anko: eh! He's was right here a minute ago!
Iruka: oi! Naruto! Where are you?!
Naruto: right here.
Iruka: (Got scared for a moment) Ah!... Where were you?!
Naruto: relax I was just chilling...
Kakashi: how do you expect us to relax when you left with telling us... what's up with that basket of coins?
Full of money frog wallet: (happy)
Naruto: oh, I got bored after ero sennin lost the first round so I went to walk around the casino. Then I saw those machine with levels thingy, so I got curious and started playing with them.
Naruto:.... (Got scolded so not happy)
Iruka: technically there isn't an age limit around here...
Itachi: I suggest that we keep quiet... or else Anko's rage would be spread to us too.
Kakashi: haha...
Gambler: (notices) hey old man, why not ask that kid there to help you? He seems lucky enough to win.
Jiraiya: nah, thats just some fluke... one more time!
Gambler: sure sure... and your bet?
Jiraiya:.... Cho!
Naruto: (appeared beside him) pretty sure it's Han? (Odd)
Jiraiya: (waved his hands) it was Han the previous round! So this time it's definitely Cho!
Naruto: I pay the 1000 yen for you if it's not Han.
Jiraiya: (slam the floor) I guess Han!

Tsunade's side...

Shizune: no wonder it's called the Treasure of Arts, it has such a good view!
Tsunade: are you done? We need to leave here as soon as possible......

All of the sudden, the Treasure of Arts collapsed, and a giant snake emerged from the destroyed castle.
(Naruto: and this is how all history vanished in our history. Author: hahaha, very funny.)

On top of the giant snake, a long haired man, along with him were a white haired and red haired.

Tonton: oink!!
Shizune: what the...!
??: finally found you... Tsunade~
Tsunade:.... Orochimaru....


Naruto: looks like Tsunade left here already...
Jiraiya: (mumbles) how is it that brat can guess the number of the dice in just one try while I took forever for nothing...
Naruto: (heard him) cause your luck sucks
Jiraiya: as if! (Thought) Tsunade is definitely here... should I go somewhere high to find her?
Itachi: I think we should g....

A very loud sound... (sorry, idk the sound made when a snake destroy a castle...)

The group: ?!
Anko: what was that?!
Kakashi: let's go check it out

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