Chapter 21

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Sasuke: why are you so slow
Naruto: don't know
Sasuke: what did you do just now?
Naruto: give me five reason why I should tell you
Sasuke: why?
Naruto: why not? You want to know, right?
Sasuke: who say I want to know? ( went in front of him )
Naruto: ( thought ) kurama, what did you do just now....
Give me five reason why should I tell you
Naruto: ( thought ) give me three reason why should I give you five reason to make you talk
Kit, you are confusing me!!
Naruto: then answer the question and stop copying me
Sasuke: dope, what are you talking about?
Naruto: none of you business
Sasuke:... ( thought ) who is he talking to if he's not talking to me
I'm only drinking water. What else could it be
Naruto: ( thought ) you won't need that much time just to drink water and you don't even need to
So? Does it mean I did something? Why would you want to know this badly?
Naruto: ( thought ) Curiosity kills the fox!
Shouldn't it be curiosity kills the cat
Naruto: ( thought ) nope. I like fox more and beside, a fox is living inside of me
If you are trying to say a joke... You failed really badly

After they reached...

Sakura: sasuke kun! You have me all worried! Are you alright? Please be tell me you're alright!
Sasuke: I'm fine
Sakura: Naruto!! How could you make Sasuke kun in danger!!
Naruto: like I care, come on...
This annoying banshee!! She don't even know anything!
Naruto: ( thought  ) and when did she know anything?
Sasuke: we have the two scroll, all we have to do now is to go to the tower
Sakura: let's go, right away! ( thought ) the faster we get back, the more time I can spent with Sasuke kun!
Naruto: this way ( pointing towards north )
Sakura: what? No it's this way ( pointing towards south )
Naruto: nope, I'm quite sure that it's this way
Sakura: sasuke kun, I'm correct, right?
Sasuke:( pointing toward east )shouldn't it be this way
... So basically, the three of you are lost
Naruto: ( thought ) nope, it's at the north direction
And how are you so sure?
Naruto: ( thought ) thanks to a certain fox, I have to train here ever since I join the anbu. It's not surprising for me to actually memorize the entire forest and my fox sense is quite good
I am NOT a certain fox, I am the great kurama! Even if you DID memorize the entire forest, they wouldn't believe you. One more thing.......YOU DON'T HAVE FOX SENSE!!
Naruto: ( thought ) haha, very funny
Sasuke: what should we do?
Sakura: let's just go east, Sasuke kun is always correct, so it must be this way
Naruto: You can't say for sure, what if it's wrong?
Sakura: Sasuke kun is never wrong!
Naruto: what if it's wrong?
Sakura: there is no 'what if'!!! If Sasuke kun say it's this way, it's this way
Sasuke: you know what? Let's just walk west
Sakura: okay then! Whatever you say sasuke kun!
Naruto: hai... ( thought ) it's still the third day, we should have enough time... ( look toward the bush behind him ) I thought I heard something...
Sakura: oi! Naruto Baka!! What are you doing!!! We need to go now!!!!
Naruto: hai.....

And so they went west, but what they didn't know is someone is following them....

A man with 'death' written I his shirt: kin, do you think that he found us?
Kin: i don't think so... He must have just turned his head around for a stretch or something
A man with bandages all around his face except for his right eye: kin, zaku, it's time to go
Zaku: dosu, how does that kid got to do with orochimaru sama?
Dosu: ( stared at him ) if orochimaru want us to capture that boy, we will capture the boy with no question asked, got it?
Zaku: got it
Dosu: let's go
Zaku: kin, do you know anything?
Kin: ( nod her head ) i overheard that orochimaru sama was planning to do an experiment but then there is nobody except for one person that is suitable for it
Zaku: what does that have to do to that boy?
Kin: That boy is that only one person that will worked
Zaku: but... What is the experiment?
Kin: don't know
Dosu: oi! Stop the chatting
Zaku and kin: hai!
Dosu: ( thought ) didn't know that...
Kin: leader, what should we do to the other two
Dosu: ( look at her ) what do you think?
Zaku: can't wait!

After hours.....

Sakura: ( her stomach growling ) can't we rest for a while and eat lunch?
Sasuke: hn...
Naruto: okay...

They went to the nearest cave they find and sat down. Sakura reach out her hand to Naruto.

Naruto: ( look at her ) what?
Sakura: I wouldn't mind eating your disgusting food
Naruto: ( continuing to look at her ) why should I have food? I thought I left all the food we have to you
Sakura: of course you should have! You're the only one walking around and beside the food was so less that it barely enough for one day
Naruto: but sasuke was walking around too and I did told you to find your own food
Sakura: but he's looking for you and I'm not allowed to leave the place, remember?
Sasuke: no actually, he did said that we can't leave the place
Sakura: but... ( whisper ) I'm a girl, you can't ask a girl to walk around dangerous places...
Naruto: ( stand up ) I know you are a girl and look like one but... You don't act like one ( walk away to a tree )
Sakura: what did you say!!
Naruto: you heard me... ( turn around and kick the tree ) I'm not ( catch the three fruit that drop down ) repeating
Sasuke:... ( thought ) he must have good control of his strength to be able to make exactly three fruits to drop down
Naruto: ( walk back and sat down ) so find you own food
Sakura: ( snatch away two of the fruits and pass one to sasuke ) found it ( looking pleased with herself )
Naruto: you will regret it later
Sakura: ha! As if... ( look at the fruit for a while before she remember something ) don't eat it!!!
Sasuke: ( was going to eat it ) what's wrong?
Naruto: ( took a bite of the fruit and chewing on it ) what?
Sakura: ( throw away the fruit ) spit it out! The fruit is poisonous!!
Sasuke:... ( throws away the fruit )
Naruto: ( swallow it ) ya I know
Sakura: you what?!
Naruto: I know it poisonous
Sakura: then what are you still eating it??
Naruto: I'm immune to most types of poison, this kind of poison wouldn't affect me
Sasuke:... ( thought ) so what he said earlier is true...
Sakura: even if you are immune to it, sasuke and I are not immune to it!! Why did give us the fruit then?!
Naruto: first, you took the fruits yourself. Secondly,
I told you not to and you didn't care. Lastly, I told you not to regret it
Sakura: Er.... ( thought ) it's really my fault this time....
Naruto: anyways before we go.... Can the three people over there come out?
Sasuke: ( give him a suspicious look before hearing the sound of footsteps, turn around and saw the three people ) you are the guy from before...
Dosu: the name's dosu
Zaku: how did you know we are following you?
Naruto: heard the sound
Kin: don't lied, we decrease the sound of our movement, you shouldn't be able to even hear a thing
Naruto: oh... So that's why I only found you now, normally I would have found the person out before he even start following me
Sakura:.... ( thought ) what in the world is going on here?!!?!?
Sasuke: what do you want?
Dosu: we have some undone business with one of your teammates and he have to follow us for a while
Sasuke: ( narrow his eyes a little ) who?
Kin: that blonde boy
Sakura : what?! Why?!
Zaku: shut up, you banshee!! You're damn annoying!
Sakura: ( want to be angry but can't ) why you....
Naruto: sure
Sasuke: ( look at him ) what?
Naruto: ( face him ) I said sure
Dosu: good, now if you come over here and follo...
Naruto: did I say that I'll follow you?
Zaku: but you said sure...
Naruto: ( not turning back ) I said sure, I do have some undone business with you guys... (  turn around and look at them ) or should I say orochimaru
Kin: you knew?
Naruto: ( smile wickedly ) of course ( turn around to sasuke and Sakura ) could the two of you kindly wait for me in the cave? The scene is going to get a little violent and it's not suitable for kids to see
Sasuke: ( nod his head without knowing why ) Sakura, let's go
Sakura: but... ( look at Naruto worriedly before walking toward the cave )
Naruto: ( looking at them until he can't see them anymore, turn around and face team dosu. Smiled wickedly again ) Now tell me... Should I kill two of you and leave one alive or leave the three you alive but seriously hurt... ( release KI ) Or just kill all three of you?
Zaku: ( shivering ) why am I scared of a brat?
Kin: ( shivering as well ) I... I don't know
Dosu: ( not shivering but he sound scared  ) come on! It's three against one
Naruto: ( took out his kunai ) looks like... It's game on, huh?

And done... Thanks for reading and have a great d... I mean week!

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