Chapter 32

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Author note: my friend recommend me this app

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Author note: my friend recommend me this app. So I tried to recreate the characters... it was hard!!

Sarutobi: ( throw shuriken and did some hand sign ) shuriken: Kage bunshin no jutsu!
Orochimaru: ( did hand sign ) summoning: worldly resurrection!

Two coffins popped out and block the shuriken.

Orochimaru: I got a surprise for you!
Minato: It can't be...
Sarutobi: we are too late

Two men came out of the coffin. One with black long hair and the other with white hair

White hair guy: it's been a long time monkey
Black hair guy: it's you, Sarutobi... you have grown old.
White hair guy: that guy beside you, is he the yondaime?
Sarutobi: yes
Black hair guy: to be able to see the yondaime... how joyful...
White hair guy: ( look behind ) so this is the guy who use Edo Tensei to bring us back huh?
Black hair guy: after coming back to the world... we are fighting against our own, huh?
Sarutobi: please be ready to be defeated by us... shodaime sama and nidaime sama
Minato: it's really them...
Orochimaru: now, now. Let's stop the chitchatting and start the battle, shall we?

Put a kunai into the head of the two hokages.

Orochimaru: now I can be sure they will use their full strength. Hehehehe...Enjoy
Minato: Katon: karyuu endan! ( blew fire out of his mouth )
Nidaime: suiton: Suijin-heki ( the water extinguish the fire )
Shodaime: mokuton: jyu-kai koudan! ( tree started growing rapidly.
Sarutobi: ( bit his thumb ) summoning no jutsu!

Monkey King- Enma appears!

Enma: Sarutobi, you are pathetic. You should have just killed him in the beginning
Sarutobi: that is what we are doing. Enma use the kongounyo!
Enma: got it!
Minato: sandaime, you take care of Orochimaru! Leave shodaime and nidaime to me!
Sarutobi: got it!
Orochimaru: hahaha... you should have done that earlier... ( a snake came out of his mouth and a sword came out of the snake mouth ) let's have some fun, shall we?

To the chasing Sasuke team!

Pakkun: Sasuke stopped! We should be able to catch up with him
Sakura: finally!
Pakkun:.. wait a minute... there are two more people beside us chasing after Sasuke!
Ino: is it the enemy?! Or an ally?!
Pakkun: I don't know
Rito: huh?!
Pakkun: one of them does not even smell like a human!
Ron: the other?
Pakkun: the other one.... smells like danger... that person's smell reminds me of a Shinigami
Rito: shi... shinigami?
Shikamaru: guess it's the enemy
Sakura: then we have to hurry up and help Sasuke!
pakkun: ( thought ) there's something weird... the shinigami guy has another smell in it... who the hell is he...

Back to the Hokage and Orochimaru side

Minato: (managed to put explosive tags on the hokages ) sandaime! Stay back

Explosion!!🔥🔥 The shodaime and nidaime lost one of their legs

Orochimaru: as expected of the yondaime! But.. you forgot one thing

The legs grew back

Orochimaru: they can regenerate! Surprise surprise
Sarutobi: as long as their souls are trap in the body, they won't die
Orochimaru: sensei~ our of breath? You are really getting old
Sarutobi: the same can be said to you
Orochimaru: hehe...sensei, you do remember the reason why I have defected from the village?
Sarutobi: because you kill innocent lives for your wicked experiment
Orochimaru: hahahahahaha!! For your information... it was not an experiment...( peel of his mask, revealed a young man ) it's a real jutsu!
Sarutobi: you terrifying creature! How could you...
Orochimaru: it's for the sake of my experiments! I will achieve everything that is in this world! But the lives of a human is just... short, it's not enough for me!
Minato: that doesn't mean you can do such an inhumane thing!
Orochimaru: hahaha... you know... I'm not the only one who knows how to use this jutsu...
Sarutobi: what do you mean
Orochimaru: I can only use the body I gained for three years... before the body starts to reject me, I have to find a new body. My apprentice... she was able to use the same body for twelve years! Amazing right?
Minato: you even taught this jutsu to others for them to follow your steps!
Orochimaru: haha... I can tell you this Minato... I didn't teach her the jutsu. She was able to do it, all by herself! Without me telling her a single thing!
Sarutobi: huh...
Orochimaru: I suddenly remember... she got something to do with you, Minato
Minato: what do you mean
Orochimaru: I'm not telling you~
Sarutobi: Minato! Behind you!

Back at the forest...

Sasuke: where are you going now?
Kankuro: Temari! I hold him, you bring Gaara to a safer place!
Temari: ( carry Gaara ) got it! ( ran away )
Sasuke: ( want to follow them but got block ) tch! Move aside
Kankuro: your opponent is me!
Sasuke: I don't have time playing with you!
??: then let me take care of this

Sasuke turned around and saw a boy with sunglasses, Shino

Sasuke: shino, why are you here
Shino: I place some female bugs on you. They have this unique scent that only the male of the same bug can smell it.
Sasuke: ( thought ) there is something like this?
Shino: I was supposed to fight him later but the exam got interrupted. Though I guess you can let me have my battle?
Sasuke: you think you will be able to hold him down?
Shino: don't worry. I can keep him here for ten minutes
Sasuke: Hn... ( ran off )
Kankuro: hahaha...
Shino: is there something wrong?
Kankuro: you guys are just a bunch of kid... you don't know what is the feeling of terror!
Shino: so you want me to have a taste of it?
Kankuro: not me, but Gaara... but you will have to defeat me first! Kugutsu no jutsu!

Kankuro released his puppet. Shino raised his hand and hundred of bugs is climbing out of Shino's hand.

Shino: no matter how weak my opponent is, I will never let my guard down
Kankuro: haha. The same thing goes to me, bug boy

They were about to start the fight when somebody suddenly appears into the scene

??: ... are you two fighting?
Shino: ( thought ) how?... my bugs didn't even notice him
Kankuro: who the hell are you?!
??: me? I'm just a normal human being who walk past here. Nothing big
Kankuro: don't lie to me! You are wearing Konoha Anbu clothes! You are an Anbu!!
??: ( sigh ) if you know that, why do you still ask me who I am?
Kankuro: What did you say!?!
??: never mind, I need to hurry up. Continue your fight, pretend that I didn't come here...
Kankuro: ( control his puppet to throw dagger ) you are not going anywhere!
??: ( dodge with ease ) look. I'm not looking for a fight. I just want to look for the Gaara kid and stop him with his awakening. ( throw some shuriken )
Kankuro: ( use his puppet to stop the shuriken ) who the hell are you?!?!
??: I just answer that... I am a normal human being who walks past... since you are not letting me pass, don't blame me for what is going to happen...

Temari's side...

Temari: ( thought ) almost out...
Gaara: Erg...
Temari: hey Gaara, you're awake?
Gaara: Temari, put me down
Temari: oh... okay
Gaara: urg...
Temari: ( thought ) it's awakening! I won't be able to handle it alone... this is bad...
Gaara: ( saw something ) Temari... move
Temari: ( snapped out of her thought ) what?
Gaara: Get lost! ( use his sand and hit her away )
Temari: ( hit a tree ) arg...
Gaara: ( staring at the black haired ahead of him )
Sasuke: ( catching his breath) Not running anymore?
Gaara: you will regret coming after me... ( clutch his head ) urg!...
Sasuke: I don't know what is your or your village's motives, but I will stop you

The end

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