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"Co!" I hear Aryas distinct voice from the kitchen of the Kalanski house. I'd finally walked inside after whatever it was that happened outside only to be met with Ary and her loud ass voice.

"What's up little sister?" I grin as I wrap her up in a hug. She's by no means my baby sister anymore but I'm still gonna call her it, I refuse to acknowledge that she's an adult.

No more than two seconds later I'm greeted with the monstrosity that is Tiny. In all honestly I'm surprised this dogs still kicking.

"Hey bud," I grin, kneeling down to the dogs height as he attempts to jump all over me. "How you been buddy?" Bailey loved this dog more than anything, I remember how bad she'd wanted to get him our senior year.

After greeting my favorite dog, I stand back up, undoubtedly covered in his hair, to talk to my sister again.

"How's New York been?"   "How's Chicago been?"

We question each other at the same time "Oh and are you still dating that one girl cuase mom said-"

"Yep" I grin "Liv?"

"Yeah what's up?" She questions walking into the kitchen, only to look freaked out at the fluffy giant now sitting beside me. Guess she didn't see him when she walked in. She wasn't much of a dog person, well she actually wasn't an animal person in general.

"Liv, this is my little sister Arya, Arya this is my girlfriend Liv" I introduce them. Before Liv can say or do anything I watch as Arya blatantly inspects her, looking her up and down, before plastering on a fake smile just like my moms, and holding her hand out to Liv.

"Hi I'm the fun one of the Kazer family," Arya smirks at me

"Okay I think we can all agree, I'm the fun one," Bexley says, joining the three of us "You two and Austin are all old now"

"Bitch, I'm twenty three, that is not old" Arya scolds our niece. Bex was still here living with mom, Brandon tried to contact them a year or two ago but Bex refused any attempt stating that 'He can eat a dick if he thinks I actually want to talk to him after a lifetime of not knowing the asshole'. I can't blame her for it either, my oldest brother has always been a train wreck.

"You're old," Bex scoffs

"We may be older, but I think you'll get a glimpse of what things were like after you young ones went to bed tonight" I glance out back, I already see them setting up the tarp, which could only mean slip n' slide beer pong floppy cup. A combination of our three favorite things.

"What are they doing?" Liv questions my grin

"They're setting up a drinking game we used to play," I watch as Bailey and Ty set up the tarp and Wes continues to 'accidentally' spray both of them with the hose. "Slip n slide beer pong flippy cup."

"You used to play that?" Bex questions

"All the time. Usually it was just beer pong that Bailey and Em kicked ass at, but on special occasions we'd get the tarp out"  I laugh "We're still fun, just now we can have fun legally"

With that the four of us are walking out back. Liv goes to help Em set up beer pong while Bex joins the rest of her cousins leaving Ary and I.

"So what was that?" I question lookin over at her

"What was what?" She states innocently. The first sign she was hiding something. My sister was a lot of things, but innocent was not one of them.

"That little act a minute ago" I state

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