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Waking up yesterday morning in his arms I've never felt more comfortable despite knocking out on the couch. I didn't miss, when I'd gone to get up, his arms tightening around me, like he didn't want to let go even in his sleep. So I didn't, I fell right back asleep.

He was anxious that night, I was too. It just happens some nights, we both needed to not be alone. We felt normal again.

I missed the kind of talks we had that night. Nothing was off limits and it felt so comfortable, just being able to be free in conversation and not have to walk on eggshells.

I didn't mean to blatantly talk about the date we'd been on and felt the immediate panic as soon as the words came out of my mouth. We never talked much about those few months, not wanting to painfully revisits what we shared, but he didn't make me feel bad for thinking about it, aside from his very true comment about me needing to find better men. Even then though, I knew that wasn't with the intent of wanting to hurt me. Of every man I know I can say with certainty Caleb is one who would never do that.

"Belle you packed?" Danny knocks on my door before opening it, "Nevermind," I was sprawled on my bed.

"I know we leave in a few hours, but that just means I have a few hours to sleep,"

"Want your cuddle buddy back?" He teases, "He's only a phone call away,"

"Shut up," I glare at him. "Thank you for waking us by the way," Caleb had told Danny after seeing that. Obviously knowing how bad it would have looked on both of our parts if he was still in a relationship while sleeping there with me.

"Yeah I get it," He sits on my bed "So what are you two gonna do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Come on, you're not an idiot Belle," he deadpans, "You obviously have feelings for eachother, you're perfect for eachother,"

"It's too soon," I shake my head. Did I want Caleb? Yes. Was I absolutely terrified of that possibility? Even more so. "Besides, right now we're just helping each other through some things,"

"No such thing Belle," Danny chimes, "My grandpa told my grandma he loved her a week into their relationship, they were married as soon as they were eighteen until my grandma passed at seventy seven and my grandpa went two months later. Two of the most loving people I've ever known, they couldn't survive without eachother,"

"Not everyone is that Lucky,"

"No but you and Caleb are, think about it," he was laying with his legs across me, "Eight years you were apart with no intention ever seeing one another unless necessary, and now you're both here, both single. When you two are in a room together, it obvious Bails, there aren't two people more perfect for eachother,"

"I don't know," I shrug. Genuinely I didn't.

"You don't have to," He grins, "Just don't shut yourself out from that possibility, see what happens. I'm not saying go over there and sit on his dick but just be there for him, if he makes a move don't push him away and don't freak out,"

"You're asking a lot,"

"I know you fuckin head case," He snorts, messing my hair up, "You deserve to be loved by someone who will treat you right Bails,"

"I know," I did, I wanted to. The complications that came with it though, well...

"You have to pack," Thankfully leaving the topic he looks at the clothes around my room that I'd laid out around the room.

"No just lay here with me," I grin,

"No we leave in two hours," he matches my grin standing up and grabbing my hands, "Let's go,"

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