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"What do you mean you want to move up the wedding?!"

So maybe right now wasn't the best time to walk into the Kalanski household.

When Bailey yells...yeah you don't want to be on the receiving end of it. Though her guilt always got the better of her and she would be apologizing an hour later.

She'd taken Liv shopping a few days ago and according to Liv it was a nice time, Belles said so too...Arya not so much.

So little mixed reviews on the day. I honestly couldn't tell if Belle herself was telling the truth or didn't want to cause any issues. She had been laying low or attempting to at least.

We were starting to get back to something, I wouldn't consider it an actual friendship but it's something of the sort. She is still walking on eggshells it seems, I wish she wouldn't.

I meant it when I said I forgive her, I hope she knows that

Liv still isn't her biggest fan, and I understand yet I don't at the same time. Yes we have history, yes I was beyond in love with her and if I were in Liv's position I would feel slightly threatened, but at the same time I have that trust in her that she doesn't have in me.

She got pissed at me for it today. Not necessarily Bailey itself just everything in general, small things will set Liv off. So I leave, and I separate myself from the situation for some time.

I physically do not have any room in my life for more conflict, more drama. I couldn't deal with anymore arguing whether it be with Liv, Bailey or anyone. It stresses me out, my head becomes a mess, I really couldn't handle it.

My head wasn't too great these days.

So I shut down.

I had heard Belle and Arya arguing that day, not all of it but pieces of the conversation. Bailey was on my side, she always has been I knew that. I know Arya is too but I need her to just back off for a bit. She thought she knew what was best for me but she didn't realize her opinions are causing me more problems than she knows.

Wait what did Belle just say about the wedding?"

"I'm sorry we're doing what now?" I question, barging into the conversation myself as I enter the kitchen where Belle, Beck and Colton stood on one side while Ace, Brett and Arrex stood opposite them.

"They want to move the wedding up... to three weeks from now!" She emphasizes that last bit, glaring at her brother and soon to be brother in law.  "What about the guests? The reservations? Your honeymoon? What about the bachelor party, I already had everything planned and reserved I don't know if I can get those changed to the right time on this short of notice! We had a schedule, I had caterers set, decorators, the freaking band was all set-"

"Hey," I nudge her side "Breathe."

She glanced at me, almost fighting herself to maintain eye contact before seeming like giving up and turning away. That was another thing she does. She never looks anyone, especially a man in the eyes for too long, she's afraid of eye contact.

I think more so the consequences that used to come with it. I don't doubt that she knows no man in her life currently, myself one hundred percent included, would ever lay a hand on her nor be so insecure with our own masculinity to view mere eye contact as a challenge to that, but someone did and it's clear his actions still have an effect on her.

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