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I watch her walk away longer than I should after that moment.

"So what happened at fittings?" My sister questions

"I needed a minute away so I stepped out," I shrug glancing at her hoping she doesn't push further.

Liv and Amy were still in their own world thankfully. I didn't need Liv knowing all of this, not yet at least, we both had too much going on right now.

"And what about the second time?" The smirk on her face conveys her thoughts. The exact thoughts I don't need her having.

"Don't push it Arya, I'm having a good night," for once.


Because I needed to leave.

Because my heart was beating way faster than it should have been for an engaged man.

Because Belle in that god damn dress.

"Because I need to think things through before speaking with anyone about anything." I huff out a bullshit answer.

"Babe, I'm gonna go to the bathroom really quick but want to go home after? I'm getting tired." Liv had stopped talking with Amy, I hadn't noticed though.

"Yeah," it was earlier than what we'd normally call a night. It was only eight.

"You leaving this early?" Amy questions, watching Liv walk away.

"Yeah it's been a long day," I nod, glancing at her "I'm suprised you aren't as tired,"

"I am, but it's been a while since we were all together like this, I want to enjoy it," she shrugs "And you should too Kazer,"

I shouldn't get attached to this. This is temporary, for this summer and this summer only. By August I'll be back in Chicago with Liv and back to our normal lives.

If I get attached to this, being here with everyone. I might not want to leave.

"I have plenty of time to be with everyone," I muster up a smile, one I like to think she believes.

"Okay," she just nods before getting up and joining Lexi Em and Belle with my mom and Cheri.

I watch them. All of them. They were happy it was amazing to see it.

Cheri alone was glowing, she was happy to have Belle home. It was obvious, remembering the few times I'd come home after she left, Cheri had an air of sadness around her. She was so used to her kids being home, we all were. Only having Colton around was different for her as much as it was for my own mom.

The most important women in my life all here and with genuine joy clear in their faces was a sight I didn't want to forget.

"You're staring man," Ace pats me hard on the back as he sits beside me, Spencer joining us.

"At Bailey might I add," Spencer chimes

"I'm watching the group, not anyone in particular." I state looking at the two of them  "And Spencer, I like you, don't fuck it up,"

"I'm just stating as observation," the smirk on his face is palpable.

"He's not wrong,"

"Not wrong about what?" Arrex butts into the conversation. Beck, Tyler and Wes all sit down in the circle as well.

"Where's Danny?" Wes questions, looking around.

"Probably being verbally abused by my little sister somewhere," I snort. I have never seen anyone match her energy like he has.

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