Twenty Seven

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He got them here. He did all of this for Ace.

"It's nice to meet you, sorry for that, I just had to talk to him really quick, I have been a huge fan of you guys since forever ," I ramble quickly looking at the 6'2" singer and guitarist standing before me. He was beautiful honestly, paler with shaggy onyx hair and intense blue eyes like Tyler's. "Thank you so much for this,"

He wasn't usually my type, but he has always been my exception.

I had a crush on this man my junior and senior years of high school, seventeen year old me would be shitting herself right now.

"Of course, we usually don't do events like this cause the couple usually wants shit songs, but you put together a kick ass set list" he smiles and offers his hand again "It's nice to meet you,"

"Yeah, you too, I haven't introduced myself I'm so sorry, I'm Bailey Kalanski,"

"I kinda assumed so," the smile is still on his face "Sister of the groom yes?"

"Yep, and best woman to the fiancé," I state proudly

"Wow not even picked by your own brother? Harsh," he lets out a deep chuckle and surprisingly my mind doesn't turn to mush. He was attractive, very attractive, yet I don't feel as spun up as I did when I first walked out here.

Caleb helped calm me.

"Nope, I didn't take offense though, he's had Caleb set as his best man since they were kids,"

"Ah so that's why you were calm around him?"

"What?" Confused, I question his statement. I've always been relaxed around Caleb, I mean aside from the first few days here, he has always been a source of calm.

The calm in my storm.

Unless he was pissed then there was no calm in our storm.

"People aren't typically as composed when around people like him,"

Famous people. Is what he really means, and I do understand what he's getting at. Few people treat them like actual people.

"Well when you've known him since birth and saw him as a prepubescent boy with pimples and braces, the wow factor of his fame and status is nonexistent," I laugh shanking my head at the mental imagine. Even then, through the embarrassing middle school years, I thought he was cute.

"Fair enough,"

"Aye Casey you gonna talk to a beautiful woman all night or move your ass and help us," Trace, their drummer, and youngest of the group joins us, standing off to the side as he looks at his lead.

"What do you think dumbass?" He states, only quickly glancing at him before his eyes land on me again. I don't miss the once over he give me as well.

Holy shit he just checked me out.

Even more surprising, I feel absolutely nothing but suprise when he does it. No nausea, no rapid heartbeat, nothing.

No signs of insane attraction past the memories of the crush I once had on him.

What the hell is wrong with me?

"Yeah well, you don't always get what you want, help us," Trace pats him on the shoulder "It's nice to meet you Ms.Kalanski,"

"Do not call me miss, it makes me feel old, I'm only twenty five," I state. I'm younger than he is, but I wasn't about to say that. That was obsessive fan behavior talking. "Besides, it's doctor,"

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