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"Caleb you're wearing the wrong bow tie," Arya chimed "Ace said he had you in the gold one,"

"Well I currently can't find that one so pretend will you?" I scoff at my sister, playing with the bow tie currently around my neck. I hated these things. Ties too. They always felt constricting.

"I'm sorry, did I just hear you state you lost your bow tie?" Ace snaps.

If I wasn't on the receiving end of my best friends semi-anger, I would've laughed at the sight of him tying his younger, might I add, adult, brothers bow tie.

Kid is twenty four and still has not a clue on how to tie a bow tie.

"No you heard him say he couldn't find it, big difference," Bailey chimes, a mischievous grin gracing her face

"Colton do you seriously not know how to tie a bow tie?" She continues, speaking my thoughts. The inabilities of her brothers never cease to surprise me.

"Can't tie a tie either," Arya chimes a spiteful grin on her face.

"You're going to be a lawyer." Belle looks at him with that sisterly disappointment I've earned countless times from my sister.

It didn't hurt like a parents disappointment, it was solely comical and something I strived to achieve all the time.

"Hey I can't tie a tie either," Tyler chimes, as expected, Wes was tying both his and Spencer's bow tie

"No one is surprised by that man," Wes mumbles as he pulls the ends of his bow tie.

"Absolutely no one Tyler," Lexi pats his should as she brushes past him before sitting besides Bailey on the cushioned seat with a flute of champagne in her hand.

We had been gathered around this room for all of thirty and have continued to bicker like we were teenagers again. The women had started drinking the second we walked in, while we were forced to change, having been excluded from the fun of intoxication.

"Brett when do they get their dresses?" Spencer questions

"They get to sit there like little prissies drinking their champagne, when can we make fun of them?" Colton chimes

"Hey we're complementing you!" Emma chimes

"You haven't complemented us once," I deadpan looking from her to Lexi, my eyes finally landing on Belle who's been grinning at something her brother said.

"I sided with you when Ace was about to yell at you," She averts her eyes from her brother to me, the grin still present.

"Not a complement Belle,"

"Close enough," she smirks at me, tipping her glass towards me before taking a sip. Her eyes were shining and her shoulders relaxed at my own grin.


"Yeah I think you guys should go get your dresses on," Brett chimes "Our session is only an two hours long and there's a lot of us,"

"Well Brett," A new voice joined our party "I remember advising you both against a gigantic wedding party, but who listens to me?"

All heads turn in her direction including mine.

The five foot nothing woman stood with a smile as wide as everyone else's and black hair significantly longer than the last time I saw her.

"Hm the Filipina Frenchie is back," I grin

"So is the cowboy Chicagoan," she smirks back at me.

Everyone seemed to snap out of their surprise fairly quickly. All of them immediately crowding Amy to say their hello's. All except my best friend and his fiancé who looked very satisfied with themselves, surely aiding in this surprise.

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