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I was supposed to protect her.

For seventeen years I did. It was known to not fuck with Bailey Kalanski for a number of reason. Because even as bad as she was, she also had me right behind her even if she didn't know it.

Then the other nine not too far behind me.

So how in the fucking hell did we get to this point?

Since we were kids, I made that silent promise to her to never let the world fucking hurt her and she ended up going through hell alone.

It pissed me off. Even more so at the thought that some dumb motherfucker believed he had any right to put the least deserving person through that.

I hated how she made me laugh when I wanted to be pissed, it was hard not to though. That's something I'm happy she hasn't lost, her sense of humor remained unwavering. Especially in uncomfortable situations. I wanted to stew and be angry at the sole fact the last person to deserve anything bad in this world was treated like she was, but she made jokes.

She made me laugh.

"How was cake tasting?"

Liv appears in the hall as I enter my house and kick my shoes off. I thought she was going out to get her nails done but I guess not.

"I never knew eating cake could be as excruciating as that was," I snort, walking to her and placing a kiss on her head before walking into the kitchen in search for enjoyable food.

"And yet you're still eating ," she grins

"I'm a growing boy who is being offered his moms cooking for the first time in five years, I am going to each as much as my body allows and then some," I smirk, finding some leftovers from last night. My moms cooking was one of the best and I am a good driven person. "I need a palette cleaner,"

This earns a snort out of her. "You don't even know what a palette cleanser is,"

"Something that cleanses my palette," I smirk. She already thinks I'm a dumbass at times, answers like that don't necessarily help the problem. "I don't even like cake, neither does Belle I don't know why they brought us along,"

I'm glad they did, just not for the cake part though.


"Sorry Bailey," I correct. For some reason everyones calling her Bailey and she doesn't cringe at it anymore. I guess I'd consider that progress cause her name is beautiful, I hated that her mom had ruined that for her.

"You both hate cake?" She questions and I nod

"Beck too,"

To this day I still have pie on our birthdays.

I hope they do too.

"They'd always get pie with me on our birthdays," I chime. The last birthday we'd all spent together had to have been one of my favorites, aside from the few parties we had when we were kids.

A lot happened that day, and it'd be hard to top Amy punching that one bitch but my favorite part had to have been laying in bed. We were just calm, so at ease.

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