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"You were out late last night."

I didn't bother waking her after I got home last night. I didn't want to. Despite my good mood following my talk with Belle, I was still pissed at Liv.

"Didn't know you were awake," I shrug grabbing the box of donuts off the counter

"I was," She sets her cup of coffee down when she looks at me "Where did you go?"

"Kane's," I shrug "He stays open late, I needed a break from you,"

"Really Caleb?"

"It's the truth Liv." I state. She yelled at me constantly to talk to her, to be hoe sat with her and I am.

"I didn't cheat, I didn't sleep with anyone else, I went to Kane's because I was frustrated and pissed off, I didn't want to take it out on you and say something I couldn't take back. I ran into a friend we talked, had a drink and I came home to you."

"So I was imagining seeing Bailey walking with you last night?"

"She was the friend I ran into," I shrug.

I know it looked bad but she has to learn to trust me. We've come a lot way form when we first started dating, we have built up that trust and I have never once lied to her or give her any reason to diminish it. Her mistrust in me stems from her, not me and regardless of how hard I try to help her through that, there is only so much I can do. But I'm not going to give up the people in my life because she does not trust me despite everything I have done to prove to her otherwise.

The look on her face tells me she's pissed, I know she is, but my sister just walked in the kitchen saving me from her outburst. For Liv's sake and mine, it's probably the best. While I may have gotten used to the things Liv says to me when she's mad, Arya would definitely not appreciate it.

A fight between my fiancée and sister right now is not something I need. I can only handle so many pissed off women at a time.

"Goodmorning!" She chirps seeing the both of us "Colton called, said we can come over for breakfast if we'd like,"

Liv shoots me a look, almost daring me to agree and see what happens. As much as I want to challenge her, I'm to tired to deal with it right now. Mentally I can't deal with another berating.

God I sound like a little bitch.

"I think we're just going to do our own thing today? Sound okay Liv?"

"Perfect," she smiles, shining her perfect teeth in my sisters direction "Tell everyone we said hi though,"

"Will do," Ary was suspicious, I could tell him the way her eyes had been jumping between the two of us. Thankfully she leaves, as do Bexley who says a quick hi and goodbye before joining my sister at the house across the street.

We'd been moving in silence around each other making food and the whole time I had been thinking about last night. Not so much about Bailey herself but what she said. She was leaving a lot out, that much I know, I want to know what exactly and I know I'm going to have to work for her to tell me. She doesn't trust me, I don't trust her, but I want us to have that trust again.

I want to know what happened to the Belle I grew up with.

I've gathered something bad, from what she's said a guy and drugs were involved.

We weren't strangers to drugs growing up, none of us actively participated in taking them though. The worst any of us would do is occasionally smoke some pot at a party. Anything harder we stayed clear of. Bailey didn't even smoke honestly, strictly drinking. She always refused but in the state she was in when she left, it doesn't surprise me that she used. Hell even I occasionally did more in college, getting high was an easy distraction from the grief and complete state of depression I had been in, I never got to the point of full blown addiction though. Bailey went deeper than I ever had, throw that on top of an addictive personality, something I know she possessed, and the results will not be good.

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