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" And we win," I smirk as the scores of the laser tag game popped up on the screen above us.

"Yeah whatever you have the fuckin laser tag god on your team," Tyler pouts. Gabe really was the laser tag master.

I just laugh before glancing down at my watch, we had to be home in like two and a half hours for the party and I still had one last stop to make.

"Okay guys, I'm gonna go, I gotta make one last stop but I'll meet all you at Kane's in a bit" I bid the guys goodbye before running out to my truck.

I could feel my hand shaking as I started the ignition. To say I was nervous was an understatement, I think it was just a combination of things.

I haven't been to the cemetery since we buried him, I owed it to him to go. I think that was the main thing I was nervous about. I was also nervous about how everyone would react tonight, Liv and I both agreed to tell everyone at Dinner. To top all of this off, Bails is coming in.

Before I even knew it, I was snapped out of my thoughts by the reving of a motorcycle speeding passed me. I didn't even realize I was at the cemetery.

Starting my way towards his grave, I can feel my heart rate pick up. My hands grew clammy and I feel myself grow more anxious than I have ever felt in my life. I need to do this.

I quietly sit in front of the grave and take a deep breath before saying anything. I took in everything about it. There were new flowers placed in front of it, presumable by Julia. I knew she came here yesterday. Next to the bunch though, was a shot glass and a single white rose. 

"Hey Jordan," my voice was shaky but I managed to smile. I can do this.

"Holy fuck I missed you"


I sat back in my truck with the air blasting for a few minutes. I didn't want to go anywhere right now. It was nice to just get everything off my chest after all these years.

For some reason, that I can't explain, I felt that he was listening. I told him about everything and everyone, from Bailey to Liv to The team to they boys. Hell, even football. I have never felt happier to talk to air.

If I'm being honest that asshole is probably laughing at me for being all cheesy right now.

I finally looked at my phone for the first time within the hour and saw two texts from Liv. She wanted me to meet her at Kane's.

I really hadn't seen her at all today. After we woke up, she went out with Em to look around town while I went out with all the guys.

"Hey I'm almost at Kane's now, are you guys gonna meet me?" I say as I pick up Wes's call

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