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"Alright this is your last chance to back out of the walk through the front," I tell them all as we pull up in the limo "There's going to be a lot of cameras,"

"That's the third time you've asked us Caleb," Em grins

"Yeah, you embarrassed of us Kazer?" Arrex questions, teasing smile lifts his lips.

"Who wouldn't be?" I obviously joke. My family is my pride, this is more so for them "All seriousness though, paps are like fuckin leeches, if you don't want to deal with them you don't have to,"

"You're going though," Bailey chimes

"I'm obligated to, if I didn't have to I wouldn't but this just comes with the territory," I shrug. I hated paparazzi, if I could live my life without them I would.

"Then we'll go to," She nods in finality, glancing out of her window

"I've been waiting for this moment my whole life Kazer," Tyler smirks, glancing out the blacked out windows. The paps were clear from here, the flashing of their cameras presumably already focused on guests.

"I really don't doubt that," Bailey chimes. Squeezed between Tyler and Danny, she sat with a flute of champagne in her hand. Her leg that slipped through the slit of her dress bounces as she looked around out the windows like Ty.

Unlike Ty, she was clearly nervous. Naturally most people would be. Bailey has every reason to be, hence why I've offered her so many outs. She never did well with much attention, and now pulling her into my world, that's all it is.

She turns her head though, catching my staring, neither of us look away. I turn my head slightly, asking a silent 'are you okay?' And she nods.

She's not but she'd never admit that to me.

She's doing this for me. Sticking through something I know she hates just to support me.

The limo starts moving once again though, and within second we're pulling up the the entrance. Everyone files out, Bailey and I being the last two to exit.

"Take a deep breath Bails," I whisper as we walk side by side

She releases a shaky breath only allowing herself to nod. Her head remains held high, if you didn't know her, she'd appear to be the most confident woman in the vicinity.

"If it gets overwhelming find me, I'll take you straight  in,"

"Don't you have to do interviews?" She questions. Technically I'm expected to, but my reputation wouldn't go down the drain if I didn't.

"I'll skip them or cut them short," I shrug as we align ourselves with everyone else, following the direction of the ushers into this event.

As soon as we make our appearance, flashes turn on us, my name and questions being hailed from all directions.

This is my first time arriving anywhere with my family, this is their first huge public appearance as my family, and they have absolutely no idea how much it means to me.

As we make our way through the chaos I'm pulled aside for interviews, responding to questions about what I intend for tonight's turnout, what to expect for this upcoming season. The typical questions asked. Through it all though I am able to for the most part maintain my place with my family, moving with them through it all.

Ty and Wes are having a great time, pulling Spencer into their weird poses that amused the crowds significantly. I could tell Em was nervous yet every time she looked at Arrex, his at ease nature instantly  calmed her enough to face the crowd again.

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