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Heyyyyy people I'm back with an early update! Fun fact this is the longest chapter I've ever written and I'm a lil shook at how long it is myself. I really wanted to go into detail during this chapter and make sure I included everything I wanted. I added in a picture of the main ppl in this chapter incase anyone forgot how they looked like (minus Annabelle cos she's new obvs). Anyway enough of my rambling, enjoy!!!


Avery's POV-

I quickly ran to my room after telling the family I was invited to a sleep-over at a friends place, even though I had no friends other than the Parkinson's and Luke, Oscar and James. The Parkinson boys all looked at me suspiciously, but I sent them a subtle glare to stop them from questioning me infront of their parents.

I had quickly changed into black leggings, a tight long-sleeved black top and a hoodie over the top. I had a strong feeling that whatever Mason wanted involved something dangerous so I dressed how I usually would when meeting my old gang back in London. I tied my hair into a high ponytail and put my pocketknife inside the hoodie pocket along with my phone.

"Where do you think your going?" Ryan called, stepping into my room.


I turned to face him and saw that he was frowning at my appearance.

"I told you, I'm sleeping over at a friends..." I muttered knowing it was useless.

He scoffed and chuckled humourlessly, folding his muscly arms and stepping closer. Why does he look so perfect all the damn time it's so distracting!? I tried keeping eye contact but couldn't help checking him out quickly, making him slightly smirk.

"Do you seriously think I'm that stupid?! Tell me where you're going dressed like you're about to rob a bank!" He said and ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

I stepped away slightly and narrowed my eyes at him, getting annoyed at his possessiveness.

"Mind your own business Ryan" I said in a low voice, trying to stay calm.

He looked slightly shocked at my sudden change in mood, but nonetheless kept his glare on me.

"You. Are. My. Business." He replied, in a dangerously calm voice.

My heart skipped a beat at his words but I couldn't let him get to me right now.

"You don't know anything about me or my past, I'm not the weak person you think I am. I don't need protecting from anyone, especially you!" I saw the hurt in his eyes and suddenly felt really guilty with the way I was treating him. I just need him out of my way tonight then I'll make it up to him.

"Ave, I have never thought of you as weak, not once. I just want to make sure your safe and will come back to me. I can't lose you..." He whispered the last part and rubbed his hand over his face. Does he think I'm running away?

"I'm not leaving you, I can't lose you either so don't worry. I'll be back tomorrow, just trust me" I said with confidence. I needed him to know I was being honest. We stared at each other for a few seconds, trying to analyse each others emotions.

I eyed the clock on my bedside table and saw I only had 30 minutes to get there. I needed to leave now. I started walking past him but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back to his body with my back to his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder, breathing in my scent. I relaxed almost immediately to his touch. He kissed my bare neck softly.

"Please... please just tell me where your going. I can't let you leave like this." He said, almost desperately. I have never seen this side of him, and it made me realise how much I actually meant to him.

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