Chapter 33.

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Written on the paper was nothing but an address. I lowered my head to read the words once again to make sure that I wasn't imagining things.

"What do I find there?" I dared to address the Joker after a moment of tense silence.

"Harvey of course."

My brows furrowed and I stared at him in disbelief. Of course he had just declared that he had no intention of following the mob's orders and I knew that he had taken over their spot of being the most powerful villain of Gotham since quite some time. Apparently the mob was still in denial about this.

"What do you want me to do with this?" Why did he give it to me? Did he want me to go there? Surely there was nothing I could do.

"I'll leave that up to you. I trust you to make the right decision." The confident smirk on his face didn't surprise me at all.

But now it was up to me to figure out what his intentions were and how I could cross his plans.

"That's it?"

"What else do you need me to say, Jane?" I could feel that he was getting annoyed by all the questions I was asking him. He expected me to do something. To react.

I considered asking him if taking the police would be alright, but I quickly discarded that thought. Of course it wouldn't be. But there was no way they would let me leave the building without showing them what he had just given me.

Did I even want to follow his orders? Doing what he said usually didn't end well for me or anyone else. I shouldn't. But if I didn't, I might lose the only chance to save Harvey.

The room fell silent once again and before I could make up my mind to ask him anything else, the door to the interrogation room was opened and Gordon entered.

"Ah, Commissioner. Curious I see?" The Joker greeted him cheerfully, but Gordon kept a straight face and walked up to me.

When we made eye contact it was clear that my conversation with the Joker was now over.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Gordon responded, sounding tired more than anything else and for a second I wondered if he actually wasn't interested in knowing what the Joker had given me. "I'm sorry to interrupt your fun time, but I believe you've had more than enough of that for one day."

Gordon raised his arm to lead me towards the door.

"Wouldn't have expected anything less from you." I heard the Joker sigh behind me as Gordon escorted me out of the room, paper still in my hands.

Without pausing we made our way into the small room next to the interrogation room where the other agents and Batman were still waiting.

After the door was closed, Gordon turned to me.

"So what do you think?"

"About what just happened in that room? I have no idea." To say I was confused was an understatement. Thoughts were rushing through my head and thinking that the Joker might have rested Harvey's fate upon my shoulders was frightening me to no end.

"What does the paper say?" Rodriguez spoke up and I clutched the paper tighter, unsure if I was supposed to show it to them or not.

"Honestly I'm not sure what his intention behind giving me this is." I sighed and looked down at my hands.

"Whatever his intention might be, in order to help Harvey we need to know what he wants from you." Gordon spoke up and after hesitating for another second, I gave it to him.

He read the paper silently and I could see a frown appearing on his forehead.

"An address? That's all?" He asked as if I knew what I was supposed to do with this piece of information.

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