Chapter 14.

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On the monitors in front of us we could see every tiny detail of the race. Right now, the heating was taken off the tires and the crew left the track. Not long after the warm-up lap followed.

There were only a few seconds left until the start now and the lights went out one by one. Then they turned green and the cars moved forward. One of the Ferrari drivers who had started from the second place had a pretty good start and overtook the Mercedes in front of him.

Some other cars didn't have that much of a good start and two had to stop the race, because the car couldn't drive anymore.

After a few rounds the first cars came for a pit stop and Bruce explained the strategic value of a pit stop to me. I was amazed by how quick the mechanics managed to exchange the tires and all the other things they did in about ten seconds.
When one of the Ferrari's stopped and they did everything perfectly you could hear the cheering from the room next to us.

Ferrari remained in the lead until at some point close to the end of the race the Mercedes behind him overtook. Even I knew that it was because the Mercedes had softer tires which enabled him to drive much faster than the Ferrari with medium tires.

The atmosphere was at a new low, but of course we all hoped until the very last lap. And a miracle actually happened. The Mercedes made a mistake in a particularly intense turn and the lead was gone. The Ferrari could make use of DRS (drag reduction system) and overtook the Mercedes within seconds, driving to victory.

After the final lap was overcome, everyone, including us, cheered for the winner. Instantly, we hurried to the award ceremony, trying not to miss out on anything.
Of course the teams had precedence to stand right up front, so me and Bruce settled somewhere in the back, but still close enough to see everything comfortably.

Not long after the three winners of the race entered the stage and of course the Ferrari driver Bruce had talked to before the race started radiated happiness. After they had taken their places on the podium the national anthems of the winner and the racing team followed.

Without any warning they grabbed the champagne bottles, which I had not noticed up until then, and started spraying the liquid everywhere. Looking around I noticed Bruce enjoying the little champagne shower and cheering the drivers on.

Once they were done, they were interviewed about the various happenings and difficulties of the race. Then they left the stage and Bruce and I went back to the pit where a little celebratory party would be held. But Bruce reassured me that we could leave whenever I had enough which relieved me, since I didn't know anyone.

When we entered the pit, Bruce went to get us some drinks and I used the time to check my phone. My eyes widened when I looked at the bright screen. Endless messages covered the home screen and reading through them it dawned on me.

I lifted my eyes off my phone and looked around. It didn't take long for me to notice a camera just outside the pit. Our date was broadcasted on national TV. Suddenly, I started to feel hot. Nervous sweat started appearing on my forehead and I couldn't stop checking the area for cameras.

It's not like I didn't want to be seen with Bruce. I just knew what the consequences would be. And I knew that women who went out with Bruce usually got ripped apart by the public.

Just then Bruce appeared again.

"Hey, are you alright? You look stressed out."

I wanted to answer, but I didn't know what to tell him.

"Jane?" He called out my name and I sighed.

"We shouldn't have come here." I simply stated, looking to the ground.

"Why? What happened?" I hesitated, but then looked back into Bruce's concerned eyes.

"It's just..." I sighed again "let's just leave, please?"


Bruce apologized for leaving so early to some people and then we made our way back to the car in silence. No words were exchanged, even on our way back to my flat.

Only when he parked and I started to gather my stuff, he spoke up again.

"You're really not going to tell me what's wrong? Was it the date? Was it me? If so, then tell me now, because then we can just..."

I interrupted him.

"No. It's not you."

"Then what is it? I just want to know what made you so upset..." He questioned and I didn't want him to feel bad for it, but he had the right to know.

"The truth is...and maybe I was just stupid to think it wouldn't happen, you see this?" I raised my phone and showed him the countless messages I had received since the race. His eyes scanned through them quickly and then met mine again.

"I guess we were filmed during the race? What about it?"

"What about it?" I laughed. "Bruce, I told you about the concerns I had about this and now you expect me to say fuck it and be fine with putting it out on international TV? You know that they're going to talk about me in all the tabloids afterwards and I didn't sign up for this! I'd like to keep my privacy." Anger bubbled up inside of me.

"You can just ignore them, they will lose interest soon anyway."

"We'll what about my reputation? I don't want to be labelled the next One-Night-Stand of Bruce Wayne. Because that is everything I don't want to be. Other girls might enjoy their five minutes of fame they get through you, but I don't! I'm a scientist and a professional one too. Everyone will assume I got this job because I slept with you which I didn't. How do you expect me to live my life normally after this?!"

"I don't see your problem. We didn't sleep with each other, you're not a One-Night-Stand and who cares what other people think?"

"I care what other people think! You might be in a position where you don't have to, but I am. What if I ever want to get another job at a different company? At first they'll think: Oh she worked at Wayne Enterprises, amazing! And then they'll check my background and find a bunch of tabloid articles about my little affair with Bruce Wayne the owner of Wayne Enterprises. What do you think they'll do next? Hire me? Don't be ridiculous." I felt tears burning at the back of my eyes and turned away from to hide how afraid I really was.

Bruce remained silent. Of course he did. I wouldn't know what to say if I was him either.

"You see Bruce...I know you're not a bad guy. You've showed me that, but...this was a horrible idea."

Just as I opened the door, he grabbed my hand.

"Jane...please. You just said it yourself. I'm not a bad guy. Let me get to know you. Give me a chance. I know this might not be the ideal situation, but think about me. Ignore the press, just think about now. Please..." He pleaded and I sighed, sinking back into the seat.



Sorry for the delay. My pet got sick and it's not looking good, so I've been busy trying to get him to eat more and everything, keeping him company.

Hope you enjoy this chapter! :)

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