Chapter 20.

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The noises got louder with every second that passed and soon enough the helicopter landed on the landing space just outside the ballroom. The doors were opened just moments after the rotors stopped spinning and to my surprise more than one person exited the vehicle.

I had been afraid of seeing him again. I had not seen him for so long, so when he entered the room with two women in his arms it hit me just how stupid I had been.

For a second I thought about leaving, but then I reminded myself that I wasn't here for him. That I could not avoid him forever, especially working at his company. If he didn't care, then so did I.

I felt my friend's eyes burning my skin and I shot them a short smile.

"It's okay. I expected something like this to happen." I whispered and Dean shook his head. He looked even madder than I was disappointed.

"Really such a nice guy." He mumbled under his breath and Harvey patted him on the back in silent agreement.

The whole room went silent when Bruce discarded the girls somewhere near the entrance, grabbed a glass of champagne and raised it to the air, just like he had done the last time I had been in this ballroom.

"First of all, I'm sorry that I'm late, please forgive me." He started his speech in an all too familiar way. "But: Thank you all for coming today to help this great purpose: Making our city free of crime. I know you're all aware of the great problems our city has faced with this in the past and in the present. But everything has changed. Now we have Harvey Dent. And he's been doing an absolutely amazing job clearing our streets of criminals. Where are you Harvey?"

Bruce looked around the crowd and the people formed an opening leading right to us. Saying I had a Deja-vu was an understatement. I tried my best to stand my ground, but when Bruce approached us and his eyes flickered to mine for a single second, I felt my cover crumble.

He acted like nothing happened and went on to speak to Harvey and present him to the guests. When he continued his speech, he praised Harvey's work and statistics which no deputy before him ever achieved.

"All I want to say is: We need people like Harvey to protect our city. We need Harvey to be elected again when the time for the re-election is there. I believe in Harvey Dent. Now enjoy yourselves, especially you Harvey." Once again Bruce raised his glass in Harvey's direction and the crowd clapped before indulging in the delicacies the various waiters presented.

Disappointing all of my hopes, Bruce chose to come chat with us and none of the other little groups present. Yes, Harvey was the main guest, but he knew I stood right here. Did he really not care at all?

I swallowed and prepared myself for a few uncomfortable minutes of conversation.

"I hope I didn't put you on the spot with my speech, but you need to motivate the people to give you their money, you know?" Bruce started and swirled the champagne in his glass.

"It's fine. Just caught a little off guard." Harvey defended himself and Bruce grinned.

"Rachel didn't warn you?" He asked her and she rolled her eyes at him.

"I was hoping you'd cut it out for once."

"What kind of speeches would I deliver then? You know I can't do that." Bruce retorted in a playful manner and Rachel shook her head, a smile playing around her lips.

"A shorter one." She countered and Bruce laughed.

I, on the other hand, felt like throwing up. When Bruce diverted his gaze to Dean, Mary and me it did not help at all. For a split second our eyes met and no one said a word. I could feel heat rise in my body from the tension.

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