Chapter 6.

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On the next day, which was finally Friday, we were all pretty excited for the charity event. Except for Mr. Fox since he had been on events like these quite often.
But he still understood how we felt and allowed us all to leave work an hour earlier than usual which was time I desperately needed to get myself in a presentable state.

When I arrived at my flat, I started preparing right away. Me and the shop assistant had talked about possible hairstyles that would work well with the dress and I had decided on going with side swept hair with big luxurious curls.
As for the make-up I planned smoky eyes with wine red lipstick matching the color of my jewelry.

But first, I hopped in the shower and washed off all the dirt from my busy working day. Then I put on a mask to give my skin a last minute boost and began drying my long hair, because styling it the right way would take the most time anyway.

Once it was dry, I put it up in a ponytail and took the mask off again. Then I put on some primer and foundation and tried my best to nail the make-up in the way I wanted it to turn out. And when I was done, I felt so relieved that after about a million times of redrawing my eyeliner I was finally pleased wth the result.

I got a hold of my curling iron and prayed that I had prepped my hair enough with all kinds of foams so that the curls would last at least 2 hours. After a while, I had curled every inch of hair on my head and continued to pin it back to achieve the side swept look I wanted which went surprisingly well. Usually, I wasn't the best at styling my own hair, but today luck was on my side and when I looked in the mirror to judge my work there was nothing I could criticize.

Now I felt like I had to check the time and I nearly fell from my chair when I saw the time.

7:24 pm!

I ran over to the dress and took of my clothes in record time. Then I tried to exert the dress from the garment bag as carefully as I could while being in a hurry and put it on gently which took a little while. Just now I realized how lucky I was that the zipper was at the side of the dress. Otherwise I would have never been able to close it myself.

After that was done, I put on the red accessories and my golden shoes. Added just a tiny splash of my favourite perfume and then I grabbed the clutch which I had already prepared with everything I would need the night before.

Right that moment I heard the bell ring and I dared to take one last look in the mirror. Then I took a deep breath and opened the door.

I found a rather young man, around my age, standing there, but his outfit was a clear indication that he was here to pick me up for the charity event, chauffeur outfit and all.

"Good evening Ms. Benton. I'm here to take you to the charity ball held by Wayne Enterprises." He announced and I nodded and closed the door behind me.

"Thank you." I told him on our way downstaires and he just shook his head.

"No need to thank me, this is my job after all." He stated and helped me into the back of the car.

After that we drove over to midtown where the event would take place. When the hotel came into view, I realized just how big these parties really were. There was a tiny bit of red carpet laid out in front of the entrance and there were a bunch of photographers, too.

I gulped, not having been prepared for this and took a deep breath right before my driver opened the car door and helped me out.

Luckily none of these photographers were interested in me, because no one knew who I was. I just hurried inside and followed the instructions of some personnel of the hotel that told me I would need to go to the penthouse on the uppermost floor.

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