Chapter 18.

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Judging from the look Bruce gave me when he said 'we're done' I guess I have no relations to him anymore other than him being my boss.

Not that I wanted Bruce to be more than my boss or anything. After all I had planned on ending things with him. But now that he ended the conversation with these words it seemed like he was the one who did it, not me. And if I was being honest that annoyed me. I deserved that short moment of redemption.

Up until the lunch break I worked in complete silence without talking to anyone and when Mary and Dean showed up I sent them away. I finished my paperwork and took my break a little later than most of the other workers which enabled me to go to the cafeteria without any weird looks. Leaving the building wasn't an option today.

I bought my food and ate in peace. When I headed back to the elevator, someone suddenly pulled me to the side into one of the hallways. I gasped and raised my head to stare into Dean's worried eyes.

"God, you scared me." I sighed and closed my eyes for a moment to regain my composure.

"Sorry..." He mumbled and I opened my eyes to look at him again.

"No worries, but what's with the secrecy?" I joked while looking around and he scratched the back of his head.

"That photo all over the've seen it right?" He asked hesitantly and I nodded.

"Yup. And Bruce apparently did as well." I sighed.

"So that's what that was all about..."


"That scene this morning."

"Oh, that..." I mumbled while averting my gaze.

"Are you alright?" He asked cautiously and I nodded.

"I don't really want to talk about it." I shrugged and looked at him again.


"I'm sorry you got pulled into this." I interrupted him and then walked past him, back to the elevator.

I arrived just in time to catch one and made my way back upstairs.

It's not like I wanted to be so cold to Dean, but I just couldn't help it. The whole situation was nothing but frustrating and I didn't know how to deal with it. Not only that I felt like a fool, now I also managed to bring my friends into an uncomfortable position.

I got off the elevator and walked into my office.

The rest of the day went by rather uneventful and I went home without giving the press any attention.

Following this day, the next days went by like this. I went to work without really talking to anyone and went back to my flat and tried to distract myself. Of course Mary and Dean stopped their attempts to talk to me after a while and although I felt lonely, I knew that it would be better for them like this. At least until the commotion settled down and I could live my life in peace again.

One of these days just as I left the Wayne Tower I spotted a familiar person, walking past the building. Since there were only very few reports left that thought it was still worth keeping track of me, I decided to finally become more sociable again, so I hurried to catch up with her.

"Rachel!" I called out to her after I managed to catch up to her.

Confused, she turned around and then realization appeared in her eyes.

"Hey! Jane...right?" She asked carefully and I nodded. We only met once, I was surprised she even remembered my name at all.

"Yeah, I saw you back there and thought I'd say hi. I hope you don't mind." I smiled awkwardly and she laughed.

"Not at all. Did you get off work just now? Wanna grab a coffee?" She suggested and I nodded.


Rachel and I agreed to go to a coffee shop I frequently visited if I needed a coffee in the morning and sat down in a cozy corner with our mugs.

"So how have you been?" She asked me while holding the warm cup in her hands.

"Are you asking because of Bruce?" I knew that was why she's asking, but I couldn't help asking.

"Kind of. I mean, I know what you went through with the press and all. Bruce and I rarely hung out once we got older, but since I've started dating Harvey I've got to experience the whole package as well. And that isn't the only thing you've went through because of him..." She hinted at the break-up and I sighed.

"I certainly didn't imagine things to go like this." I stated and nipped on my coffee.

"I figured. And you're not at fault honestly." She shrugged and leaned back in her chair, clenching her cup.

"It's not his fault entirely." I argued, but Rachel shook her head.

"No it is. You know he talked to me about you a little, before this huge mess and he said he hoped he didn't force you into this. That was when I knew you were not ready for all of this attention. No offense, but I didn't imagine he'd be such an asshole after dragging you into this." The longer Rachel talked, the angrier she sounded. "Like, I thought he actually cared about you which was already a miracle, but the whole ballet thing. I can't believe it." With a loud thump she placed her cup back on the table and looked at me.

"I'm on your side, just so you know." She concluded and it took me a while to answer her. I had not expected her to talk to me about him in such detail, even telling me that they had spoken about me before.

"Wow, thank you." I started. "But...did something happen? You seem angry..." I questioned her carefully.

"I am angry. I'm sure he didn't tell you this, but my relationship with Bruce hasn't always been the easiest one. To make it short, you're not the only one he agitated in the last few weeks." Once again she smiled at me and I nodded, wondering what happened between them, but not daring to ask.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

"Don't be. It's his own fault and he needs to live with the consequences." We both took a sip of our drinks.

"By the way, are you still coming to the fundraiser he's throwing for Harvey? We could use some allies there." She joked and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"I doubt I'm still invited."

"Believe me, you are." She winked at me which left me even more confused than before.

"Then I guess I could. I have no money to spare, but I'm always up for great food." I shrugged and Rachel grinned.

"That's what I like to hear." She laughed and set down her cup. "Alright, as nice as it is to talk to you, I have to get going. Still got some work to do."

"Sure, sorry to keep you from work for so long."

"No big deal, it was a pleasure." She smiled and gathered her things. "I'll see you at the fundraiser!"

Quickly she left the shop and left in the direction of the subway station. I remained in my seat for a few more minutes, finishing my coffee and then went back home as well.


I quickly wanted to thank you guys for over 10.000 reads and nearly 500 votes! You guys are amazing and this means a lot, thank you so much!

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