Chapter 2.

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"Already enjoying work I see." I heard a rough, but friendly voice behind me and I turned around.

"Mr. Fox! Good morning." I greeted him surprised and he smiled at me.

"No need to be so nervous, Ms. Benton." He said while shaking my hand. "It  would be very good if all of us would appreciate working here as much as  you do."

The thing with Lucius Fox was that he had already met me  during my job interview and saw through my nervousness right away. That  man seemed to read humans like no other which made me understand why he  was the CEO of Wayne Enterprises. And not only that, but also my direct  superior.

There were not many  people who worked at the research and development department and the few  who did were lucky to work with Lucius Fox. Everyone knew he was a  genius. But Mr. Fox's and my talk was interrupted by the woman working  at the reception desk.

"Here is your ID card, Ms. Benton." She said to me  and handed me the card I had been waiting for. I thanked her and turned  to Mr. Fox again.

"But what are you doing  here, Mr. Fox?" I asked and internally slapped myself for being too casual.

But Mr. Fox only continued smiling.

"Mrs. Smith informed me  of your arrival and someone needs to introduce you to our department,  wouldn't you agree?" Mr. Fox answered and I only nodded, overwhelmed by  my own stupidity.

I needed to stop overthinking everything.

"Well  then, shall we?" Mr. Fox asked and I replied with a quick "Yes, of  course."

After that we went over to the elevators and went up to the  36th floor.

"So, Ms. Benton...did  you already decide in which section of our department you would like to  do the majority of your work?" I was asked when we got out of the  elevator and walked through a room with a few offices with glass doors. 

Then, we came to a open door which we entered.

"You do have a choice.  If you want, you can work in the research or the development section. We already know you're qualified for both, so it is up to you. Although the work overlaps a lot of times and you will also do a lot of research while developing various devices."

After I thought about it for a few  moments, I made a decision. I loved finding out new things, but I also  wanted these new infos to become something useful.

"I'd love to join the development section." I declared and the patient smile of Mr. Fox got even wider.

"Then  I am happy to welcome you to my small team, Ms. Benton. The major part of your coworkers is currently part of the research section. We are developing new light-weight fabrics for military use and finding out  the right chemical processes takes up a lot more time than putting them together and making the fabric, but don't worry, you won't be having a lot of free time either way." Mr. Fox informed me and turned to look at the office we were standing in.

"This will be your office." He continued and I nodded, taking a closer look atthe pretty big room for an office.

There was a huge desk with a rather bigcomputer, two spacious shelves and a seat for visitors. But my highlight was thecomfortable looking chair that seemed to support a healthy back.

"You can decorate it any way you want and set up everything later. Right now, let's go downstairs where the real work is done." He suggested and I followed him, leaving my bag next to my desk.

We approached the elevator once again, this time heading to a floor under ground.
When we got off it seemed like a completly different world. There was a huge room right in front of us filled with various prototypes as Mr. Fox told me.
Then we went through a door and stood in a average sized lab where two people were working with different chemicals. Mr. Fox handed me safety glasses and I put them and a lab coat on.

"Simmons, Rodriguez this is your new co-worker Jane Benton. She will work with me in the development section starting today." Mr. Fox said as we approached two persons working with some liquids.

Once they heard Mr. Fox talking they interrupted their work, turned around and looked at us. The woman smiled at me and raised her hand. 

"Hi, I'm Mary Rodriguez, it is so nice to meet you! Please call me Mary." The gorgeous latina told me and I shook her hand and returned her smile.

"Nice to meet you Mary. Feel free to call me Jane, too." I replied, glad that there were other and nice people working in this department.

Then I turned to the tall man beside her who now also raised his hand to shake mine.

"Dean Simmons, you can call me Dean." He said coolly and shook my hand firmly.

"Nice to meet you, too, Dean." I said and gave him a smile.

"So, now that we're done with the introductions, do you have anything new?" Fox asked them and went to look at the liquids they were working with before.

"We're just working on a new mixture that might be something good regarding that new fabric we wanted, but we're not done yet." Mary explained and Fox nodded.

"Call me when you get done." He told them and they nodded.

Then he turned towards me again.

"So, Ms. Benton, would you like me to show you around a little?" He asked me and of course I did not deny his offer.

We left the lab after that and went back to the huge room we already walked through before, but this time we took our time to look at all the prototypes in detail and Mr. Fox explained to me roughly what they were and how they could be used.

I already regretted leaving my bag back in the office and not being able to write anything down which Mr. Fox once again seemed to notice.

"You can find all of this information on your computer in your office. I will send Ms. Rodriguez to explain it to you later." He told me, sending me a knowing smile that I returned gratefully.

And this is how the day went on. At the end of the day I felt like my head would explode. There was just so much stuff in that basement!

When Mr. Fox took the elevator to go back upstairs it was already 6 pm, an hour over my agreed work time. Overtime on my first day, but that's what you get when working as one of four employees of Wayne Enterprises top departement.

"I guess Ms. Rodriguez already went home. I will tell her to help you tomorrow. Call it a day Ms. Benton." Mr. Fox told me when we got off the elevator. Then his phone started ringing and he excused himself after looking at the screen.

I immediately went to grab my bag and left the Wayne Tower as fast as I could. I was so exhausted. I only noticed that I had not eaten all day when I finally reached my flat and my stomach started growling after I sat down.

Annoyed I groaned and got back up to put on my shoes again. Now I was happy that I hurried on my way home. It was nearly 7pm right now and in Gotham you should avoid being out too late if you don't want something bad happening to you.

Of course there was the GCPD and Batman, but honestly what are the chances that they are around by accident?


Therefore I hurried to the elevator to leave the apartment building I live in and made my way over to the local grocery store.

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