Chapter 25.

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When I climbed into bed that night, every blanket I owned could not warm my body. So when I woke up the next morning, I found myself shivering all over. When I looked at myself in the mirror dark circles were framing my eyes, I looked like death himself. Although I wasn't sure if it was a good portrayal of how I was feeling inside.

Still, I got myself ready for work. But my brain was occupied with different thoughts the entire day.

Would it be possible for me to escape from here? Just leave the city and all this trouble behind? Would they find me if I did? Would they want to find me? Did I know too much? What have I gotten myself into?

A deep sigh escaped my lips while I was staring down my monitor. When suddenly a hand waved in front of my face I jumped out of my chair.

"Jane? You don't look well."

Apparently I had missed the moment when a certain billionaire had entered my office.

"Could you knock?" I scolded him, sitting back down on my chair.

"I did. At least five times." He grinned and I felt heat rise to my cheeks.


"Did something happen?" He went around the desk and leaned onto the table right next to me.

"No, nothing, why do you ask?" I focused back onto the computer in front of me, trying to get a grasp of what I had been doing before I got lost in my thoughts.

"Oh, just because you look like someone ran you over this morning but you somehow still managed to crawl up to your desk." He teased and I knew he was worried, but right now I wasn't in the mood for it.

"Very funny." I rolled my eyes, still not looking at him.

He grabbed onto the handles of my chair and pushed it back, slipping in between the desk and my chair. Finally, I raised my head to look into his eyes.

"Jane, I'm worried." He admitted, his hazel eyes never leaving mine.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"You know you can tell me if there is something bothering you..." He continued and I averted my gaze.

"Yeah...thanks." I heard him sighing and then suddenly his hand touched my chin, turning my head to face him. Our eyes met again and I noticed him searching for something in mine.


Before he could go on, a knock interrupted him and he got back onto his feet with a frown on his face. Only a moment after Bruce got back on his feet, Mr. Fox entered my office, raising his eyebrows when he saw that Bruce was with me.

"Ms. Benton. I didn't know you had company, I'll be out in a second, but when you and Mr. Wayne are done here, please come into my office."

I felt heat rising up to my cheeks and I nodded, while Bruce and Mr. Fox exchanged meaningful glances. After saying what he intended to, Mr. Fox left the room and closed the door again.

"Jane..." Bruce started up again, but I pushed back my chair and silenced him.

"I'm fine, don't worry." I insisted and headed to the door to open it for him. "I feel like Mr. Fox has something urgent to discuss with me, I think I should go right now."

Once again Bruce's eyes met mine with worry. Then he sighed and walked over to stand in the doorway in front of me.

"I know Fox...he didn't look like he had something positive to talk about. Even if you claim to be fine right now, I hope you know that I'll be there for you whatever happens, okay?"

Something in his eyes caught my attention and I froze on the spot. He knew something. Not about the Joker issue, but about the talk with Mr. Fox.

"What do you mean?"

He ran his hand through his hair and averted his eyes. I breathed in sharply and my eyes widened.

"No..." I stammered and Bruce kept avoiding my gaze.

"I'm sorry. It's not something I could've changed, since Fox is CEO and your direct superior."

Without wasting any more time, I turned and stormed out the door. I felt tears brimming at my eyes, but I couldn't allow them to fall. Not yet. Mr. Fox still wanted to talk to me, right? I could change his mind!

Or so I tried to tell myself until I stood in front of Mr. Fox's office, hesitating to knock on his door.

After a few seconds of contemplation, I gathered all of my left over courage and knocked on his door.

"Come in." Mr. Fox's voice called from inside and I opened the door cautiously.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked after inhaling deeply.

"Oh, Ms. Benton, yes, take a seat." He pointed at one of the chairs in front of his desk.

I closed the door and pushed back the chair to sit down on its very edge, ready to leave the room any second. Then my eyes met with Mr. Fox's who leaned forward in his chair.

"Ms. Benton. Your eyes tell me that Mr. Wayne already informed you about what I want to talk about?" He questioned with a raised brow and I shook my head.

"No he didn't, at least it wasn't his intention." I denied and Mr. Fox sighed deeply.

"Then you already know. Ms. Benton, it has come to my attention that your haven't reached the job's requirements lately. I believe that you have a reason for the way you act, especially on a professional basis, but I'm sorry to inform you that we can't keep you under these circumstances. I hope you understand that I made this decision based on what is best for the company I'm managing in Mr. Wayne's place."

The words hit me like bullets piercing right through my chest. With a hollow feeling in my chest I nodded. While I had been busy trying to avoid finding too much information on Batman's actions in our company, I had forgotten that it was my responsibility to help Wayne Enterprises to remain the scientifically leading company that it is today. It was my responsibility to help Bruce with that. And I messed it up.

Everything I did was only doing damage to him.

But doing damage to Bruce in terms of money was better than getting him physically hurt, wasn't it?

The Joker's face appeared in my head and I felt all colour draining out of my face. What would he do to me if I lost my job?

"Ms. Benton?" Mr. Fox's words grabbed my attention again and I looked up at him.

"Yes, I understand. I know I haven't been as focused on work as I should have been and I'm sorry. But is there really nothing I can do to prove myself? I promise I will do better from now on Mr. Fox..." I pleaded and Mr. Fox leaned back in his chair with a deep sigh.

He thought about my words for a moment. The silence in the room felt like it would crush my body any second, creeping closer with every passing second that felt like an eternity to me.

"Ms. Benton. I value you a lot as a member of my team. I know you're an outstanding scientist and you already helped to develop numerous important projects during your time as an employee for Wayne Enterprises, but I know promises like these. People always say these things when they're faced with something they can't accept and I used to be naïve enough to believe them. While I do believe you want to do better, I, as the CEO of Wayne Enterprises can't afford to take the risk to see you break this promise. I'm very sorry. If I wouldn't have to make this decision on a business level, I would love to keep you in my team Ms. Benton. I wish you all the best for your future."

Mr. Fox rose to his feet and I stared at him blankly for a second until I realised he wanted me to get up as well.

"Thank you Mr. Fox, it was a pleasure to work with you."

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