Chapter 26.

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Trying my hardest to keep my hand from shaking I extended it across the table to shake Mr. Fox's hand for the last time.

His grasp on my hand was firm, as if he was telling me to be strong, but he had no idea. Or maybe he did. I always knew Mr. Fox could read people like books, maybe he knew all along. But while he was a professional at reading people's mind it was nearly impossible to figure out what he was thinking.

Forcing a smile onto my face, I let go of his hand and headed back into what used to be my own office. Luckily, Bruce was nowhere to be seen.

Thinking about what to do next, I took the elevator downstairs to the post department and got some cardboard boxes for my stuff.

Back in my office, I wasted no time and started packing. Maybe I'd be done before rush hour. I wanted to avoid the gazes of as many people as I possibly could.

Since I didn't have to take any documents home with me because everything was strictly confidential, not a lot of things ended up in my cardboard box and I left the office just shortly after I finished packing my stuff.

I knew Dean and Mary were still working, so I didn't want to disturb them by bringing them the bad news, I'd just text them later. Now all that was left to do was getting out of this building that once looked like a bright future to me. Now that I got caught up in Gotham's dark fangs it didn't look that bright to me anymore. Somehow Gotham's villains got to you no matter how good your intentions were. I just hoped that Mary and Dean would never have to face a situation like I had to.

With a ping the elevator door opened in front of me again and I headed to the front desk where I handed Mrs. Smith, the woman working there, my identification card.

"Oh, Ms. Benton you're leaving us?" She asked with a surprised expression on her face.

"Yeah, it was a rather sudden decision." I tried to smile at her, but I knew how fake that smile must have looked.

"That's sad to hear. I wish you all the best for your future." She answered with a much more honest smile and I nodded, my heart feeling even heavier than before.

"Thank you."

After the short conversation I turned around and finally left the building. When I was standing in the middle of the square in front of the Wayne Tower I looked back at the building once more. The dark clouds lingering above emphasized how I was feeling inside and I decided to hurry to the subway station.

On the train I got out my phone and sent a message to Dean and Mary explaining the situation. Of course I couldn't go into detail, but I decided to at least warn them that they shouldn't get involved in anything dangerous and that they should be especially careful now that I was gone. That was hint enough and although I knew they would be even more worried now, it was too late anyway. I already put them in danger.

With a sigh I concluded that I had to tell Bruce to be especially careful as well. I didn't know if the Joker would still target him, but I had the bad feeling that things were far from over. And I knew if he was angry at me he would harm the people closest to me. I already made up my mind.

So after dropping of my stuff at my flat and checking the time, I began to pack up my things. There was still some time until Bruce would get off work and I had to use that time well if I wanted to leave Gotham today.

So when the clock struck 4pm I left my apartment with two huge suitcases in tow. Then I hauled a cap and made my way over to Bruce's penthouse. I didn't trust the cap driver one bit until we finally stopped in front of Bruce's place. I felt relief rushing through my veins when I finally entered the building. I was stopped in the lobby and asked for the reason of my visit but the discussion was ended quickly when they called Alfred and he told them it was okay for me to enter Bruce's penthouse.

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