Sang Yunxie 1.35

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At this moment the male lead didn't want to leave the water. If he did he was going to have to confront her.

Earlier in the evening he unintentionally released a bit of killing intent when warning her. He honestly didn't mean to, but his body was so used to it that it unintentionally escaped. Surprisingly, she didn't seem bothered or scared of him.

The reason why he warned her was that she lied. He was an emperor he knew when people respected him and when they didn't. Not to mention when they lied. She herself didn't notice but he did. She was letting her guard down. In the beginning, she acted according to etiquette and watched her words, but lately, she's been more carefree. Her smile's been more genuine and she's slowly saying her true thoughts.

He saw it when she spoke with that woman and before he started speaking about children. Before that, she was acting genuinely.

However, as soon as he mentioned children, an automatic smile appeared on her face. A pure and beautiful smile, if anyone saw it they wouldn't believe she was lying. But he did. Simply because she was nowhere near pure.

She was just like him if not worse. On the outside, she acted as the perfect lady who wouldn't kill a worm. But, would an innocent person take control of the whole kingdom without causing suspicion.

Not only did she became the master of the palace while he was gone but also the master of the court. She was the emperor for three years and no one raised a brow because she was an innocent girl who was trying to help the citizens.

That wasn't innocence, that was scheming. The people absolutely adore her. The nobles might not due to her birth status, but the citizens did. The only reason why she was trying to help them with health care, school, or charity. Is because if anything happens to her they would revolt.

She and I are the same. She helps people to get what she wants, and I just take what I want. But in the end, we still get the same thing, power.

The ML knew what she was like. He killed actual rulers for god sake. Just because he liked her, didn't mean he was blind. He was also good at lying, but that didn't mean that he was gonna lie to her. He somehow expected the same kind of thinking from her.

While still being annoyed at the situation the male lead left the water, put on his robe and slowly walked back to the inner chambers.

The room had a sweet calming scent and Sang Yunxie was standing in a corner looking down at her seven-string instrument. The ML was about to say something, but looking at her puffy eyes his words got stuck on his throat.

She was crying?

Sang Yunxie lowered her eyes and slowly knelt down and then she slightly lifted her hands.

A series of flowing notes gradually rose, the music lightly came and lightly went. Besides softly tickling his ear, it did not leave behind any other message.

Gradually, the guqin notes deepened and soared to the sky. She was playing a love song. Her song had an overwhelming melancholy of one who yearns for the unattainable and the despair of one who admires from afar and never to join wings.

Such melancholy and despair gave this courtship song a faint desolation as well as a sadness of separation. It contained part acceptance and part wistfulness.

Sang Yunxie merely kept her head down, her porcelain hands sweeping across the strings, her facial features were astonishing, but in the warm evening light, her small, exquisite face was slightly pale.

The ML was very conflicted. Earlier he was feeling annoyed by her, but her actions were now confusing him. Did he misunderstand her?

Sang Yunxie's song slowly came to an end. The ML stood at the entrance of the room with a cool expression even though his heart was in turmoil. Sang Yunxie took a deep breath and slowly got up.

"Did you like it?" Her sickeningly sweet voice resonated in the large room. The ML couldn't bear the sight of her sorrowful face and slowly walked up to her.

"Did my previous words scared you?" He himself knew what he did to her. Although she didn't react at the moment it seemed that she reacted as soon as he left. Many people react differently when they are exposed to killing intent. It seemed like she was the type to survive first, get scared later.

"No, your highness, I believe I offended you. I'm very sorry, " she said as she bend down to apologize to him. He soon grabbed her to stop her from kneeling and cupped her face with his hands.

Her face was so lovely, but her puffy eyes made her seem pitiful. He truly regretted his actions, but he still needed to put some boundaries in their relationship. "I'm sorry that I scared you. I didn't mean to make you cry. But you lied to me, and I don't like that. Do you understand?" He asked.

Sang Yunxie looked at him. His eyes weren't cold like before, and he seemed to be in a better mood. So she decided to be honest with him. "I wasn't lying, it's my responsibility to have children for you."

"Yeah, but do you want to?" His heart was scared to hear her response. He didn't know why but he took a liking to her. She was his.

"...Does that matter? I'm yours, you can do whatever you want with me."

Her words were like someone poured cold water on him. She didn't want him.

He stepped away from her and his hands soon left her face.

"Your highness?"

Her face seemed surprised at his actions, the male lead maintained his cold attitude and said. "I don't want a relationship were I command and you obey. That's call subordination, not love."

"I, sigh, I don't want that either. I want you to love me... Your highness, I got it all. I got a young handsome husband who's family likes me. In a society where women usually get married to men 10 to 20 years older, and on top of that have multiple wives, I got it all."

"What are you implying?" The ML asked. They already went over this. He promised to be faithful to her, did she not believe him?

"I'm saying that I got it all. Ever since I was a kid I've gotten everything I want it. I've never thought of having a kid. It is silly, but I've honestly never pictured myself with a child and that's because I never pictured myself with a husband. When I entered the harem I immediately disassociated with any desires I had to be loved, and that's because I'm greedy. I became your wife knowing that I wasn't going to be your only woman, I knew that if I wanted love I was going to have to fight for it. Unfortunately, life is too precious for that. So in the years that you've been gone, I've done everything I wanted. I decorated the palace to my liking, I created my own business, I escaped the palace a couple of times..."

"You escaped the palace!?"

"Yeah, but I had my guards."


"Anyway, when you came back I wasn't planning to fight for you. I was hoping for you to have a pleasant relationship with the empress so that I could still have some kind of freedom. Therefore, I've never thought about kids."

The ML sighed and got closer to her, "I believe I made my feelings for you clear. You have told me part of yours but not all of them." He said implying for her to talk.

"Your highness, I'm going to be completely honest with you so pay attention. I would love nothing more than to have a family with you. Unfortunately, my genes are evil. If you have a kid with me there is a high chance that...that said child will be...annoying, self-absorbed, manipulative, beautiful beyond words, but that's how she/he will get you. That child will be so smart, that he/she will make you think they're stupid as to not do any work. That child will be lazy, cunning, and will only love the people who are part of their group. That child won't understand the definition of sympathy. She/he will look perfect from afar but evil from up close. Do you want that? Do you really want another me walking around the palace?"

The ML laughed and said. "It's okay, he or she will have half of their dad's trait. Imagine that. Don't you want a little me walking around the palace? Don't you want a little us?"

"If he's not like you, I'm gonna be obliged to kill you."

Quick Transmigration: Beat The Female Lead SystemWhere stories live. Discover now