Leanne 2.0

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"Ahhhhhh!!!" It hurts, it hurts, "it fucking hurts!" I yelled.
"Host just breathe, the first time it's the worst," said Liam.
"I know it is but, can you please postpone the dirty talk for another time?" I said as the crushing pain alleviated.
"I didn't even think of that!!. Why are you bothering?" asked liam.
"I was born like that. Where am I?" I asked, as I looked around the exquisitely designed bedroom.
"You're in Leanne's bedroom. Your bedroom," said liam.
A room worthy of being called, beautiful. The walls were white but leaned towards a macaroon shade,  with gold streaks on it. The furniture seemed like it was from the Victorian era. The chairs were pale blue with gold and green designs on them. As I walked I noticed that the bedroom wasn't only one room. The bedroom was basically five rooms in one. The room with the bed was the biggest. However, as I explored the other rooms, I decided that I can die a thousand times, if I could live here forever. The other rooms were basically closets divided into different sections and the furniture was so victorian style. The mirrors looked like antiques and were very clear. The second level had many books scattered on the floor.
"Are you done exploring?" Asked Liam.
"Almost," I said.
"Why don't you explore yourself before you explore the room?" Asked Liam.
"Eww, you pervert. I don't want to touch myself," I said.
"Look at your appearance. Stop making everything I say sound nasty," said Liam, as I went to the closest mirror.
"Damn," I said. Long dark hair that accentuated the curves in the slender figure. Clear blue almond eyes that looked like the water in the ocean, accompany by dark eyelashes that made the blue eyes look more exquisite. Cherry lips that any person would want to taste and ivory skin. Everything about this person was beautiful. The only problem is that this girl was barely develop. "Liam!!!" I yelled.
"I decided to send you a little early into the story so that you can get a head start," explained Liam.
"How old am I?" I asked.
"Fourteen," he responded.
"The fuck. Am I gonna have to go through puberty again?" I asked.
"Yes, but now you can grow into this body and work more comfortably," said Liam.
"Should we go downstairs?" I asked.
"You have the body's memories?" Asked Liam.
"Yeah, Leanne snow, the perfect student and daughter. Admired by everyone and hate by many. Her family comes from old money. However, her grandfather change the family's customs by joining the army instead of the business world and now, not only do they have old money but a high standing in the social ladder. Although, this made Leanne proud, she's planning to take over her family's company and continue the business," I explained.
"Perfect, take a bath and join your family downstairs for breakfast," said Liam.
"Okay, " I said.
After bathing I change into my inform and did my hair, put a little of lip balm and perfume. I grabbed my LV backpack and went downstairs.
"Goodmorning," I said while entering entering the dining hall.
"Goodmorning sweetheart, did you have a nice sleep?" Asked a blonde hair woman, with blue eyes that were almost prettier than mine.
"Good morning, mama. I slept well, how about you?" I asked as I kiss my dad and grandfather in the cheek.
"Well enough, are you ready for your first day of school? You're officially a sophomore in high school, today," she said.
"I'm ready, I have my homework and I prepare my speech for the entering ceremony," I explained.
"That's good, our girl is the youngest and smartest kid in her grade. How can we be more proud?" Said my father.
"Dad, stop teasing. It was just an exam, I just wanna get school over with and start working with you," I said.
"Girl, you don't have to worry about working. I already have a marriage partner for you. He's the grandson of one of my friends from the army," said grandpa and I swear to God, that I literally felt the temperature in the room dropping to negative zero. "Dad, didn't I tell you that you weren't allowed to decide anything for us, since a long time ago?" Asked my father.
"I didn't decide anything. Think of the marriage as a suggestion. The kid is good. He's handsome, comes from a good family, and is continuing his family's business," said my grandfather.
"But more importantly, he's one of your friend's grandson," I said.
"Girl, this is okay with you right? You're not in a relationship yet," said grandpa.
"Grandpa, I'm not in a relationship yet. However, I'm not lacking any suitors. Besides I don't even know the person. Did his grandfather do the same to him. What if he has someone he loves already? What if his secretly gay?" I asked.
'Host, I can assured you that the Male lead is not gay,' said Liam
'Shut it, I'm doing business right now?' I told Liam.
"He's not gay. Besides the engagement is a suggestion. You're father had many other fiances besides your mother," said grandpa.
'I don't think he should have said,' said Liam in my mind.
"Baby, go to school. You're gonna be late," said my mom while putting her fork down.
"Yes mama," I said, escaping this awkward atmosphere that I could've totally avoided.
"Johnny can you call the driver? I'm ready to leave," I said to one of the butlers in the house. Yes, we have 12 butlers, okay. It's s big house if I didn't know any better, I would think it was a castle. "Right away, my lady," said johnny.
"When I got out car and into the school campus. I thought that me and Leanne would've really gotten along. The bitch had a harem full of beautiful girls. "Good morning Leanne," they all said in unison. I think they practice that.
"Good morning girls. How are my favorite people feeling this morning?" I asked with a charming smile.
"Great," said a short haired beauty.
"Lea, you're late, the entrance ceremony is gonna start in an hour and we needed to go to the chateau to welcome the freshman," said a girl with a ponytail.
"Leanne, here's your schedule for the first trimester. We need to pass all your classes with flying colors and get all the freshman girls on your side," said a beauty with glasses.
"Are there any promising freshmen this year?" I asked.
"There's a kid who got a scholarship because of his abilities in soccer. There's another who's kind of a computer genius. However, other than those two the majorities of the freshman are brats from wealthy families, completely useless. " 
"Then please make an appointment with the two freshmen for a later date. For now let's welcome our fellow chateau's members," I said as I walked towards the building, who only accepts the wealthiest of the wealthiest. While walking I looked at my three guardian angels. Although the majority of the school calls them "Cerberus". Three heads one wish- protect their friend, Leanne Snow. 

"Liam, are thee girls any good?" I asked.

"Mona is the the blonde haired beauty. She comes from a strong family with along history in exporting jewels. Although, she doesn't say much she always has a smile ready for Leanne. Leanne enter middle school being the smallest kid in the school. So, she wasn't really welcome. However, she soon won her class over with her wits and charming attitude. Leanne, was also kind of a loner since she came late in the year. However, our Leanne being ever so perfect became her friend. Now the two have a very trusting bond. Elizabeth is the ponytail girl. She met Leanne in one of her gymnastics classes and...

"I do gymnastics?" I asked.

 "Can i please finish?" said Liam.

"Sorry," I said.

"Elizabeth, met Leanne in one of her gymnastics classes and became enamored with the girl who did everything perfectly while being humble. She and Leanne became quick friend and she transfer to Leanne's school in the second year of middle-school. Kate is the beauty with glasses. She was obsessed with her studies until Leanne beat her in a math competition or something.You can think of her as Leanne's right hand. Overall, the three of them are beautiful, come from good families, and love you," said Liam.

"Lea, why are you zoning out? we're already here," said Elizabeth.

"Sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night," I explained.

"Forget about that we have 50 minutes to welcome the chateau's from the middle-school and then take them to the entrance ceremony, where you're gonna have to do another speech," said Kate.

"Let's go," I said.

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