Sang Yunxie 1.29

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While getting ready the ML kept looking at me with a weird expression. I know I'm hot but dude, seriously!?

He's only been here for like 3 days, and has only slept in his palace for 1. If he keeps taking away my beauty sleep, I'm gonna start looking like a raccoon. Then I will fall into depression, because I'm ugly. Then, I will blame him and kill him in his sleep.

"Mistress, you seem to be a bit distracted," Xin You quietly whispered in my ear. For some reason, the ML decided to change here instead of his palace. So the whole room fell awkward.

First, because I do not have any male servants. I mean, I do, but only to help with heavy lifting. None of them have ever been inside my chambers. Therefore, a bunch of virgin girls were helping the emperor change. NONE OF THEM WERE UGLY!

I honestly couldn't help but sigh. This is just my luck. I decided to surround myself with a bunch of pretty girls, because I love beautiful things but I now I have to confront this situation. They never really interacted with a man. We have eunuchs, but they're... eunuchs. The guards had a strict training, so the most they do is steal glances at my girls. They only speak when they are spoken to.

Which has led me to this situation. All of the girls were attending the Ml with their heads bowed to the extreme. I think some of them broke their necks while doing so. I kind of feel bad for them.

Having to help that hot piece of meat change without stealing glances. Pffft, only a saint!

The ML finally got mad at one of the girls who was seriously blushing and took his clothes away from her. Almost making me regret not welcoming a few boytoys I saw in the blackmarket... unfortunately, it was highly frowned upon.

Xin You was almost done adorning my hairstyle, so I suggested. "Your highness, let Chenqie do your hair." Xin You slowly put the last hair pin in mine, so I slowly got up and went to him. Helping him with his clothes.

"My consort is very kind," he said almost mocking me.

"Always," I said fixing his collar. I guess he was mad because I bit him. To be honest, I'm surprised he didn't punish me.

"Girls, go outside and help with breakfast. We're okay here."

They left the second they heard that. Not bothering to bow. Just running away from the situation... they're so lucky.

"Do any of your servants have manners?" The ML asked with a frown on his face.

"Chenqie must apologize to his highness. Since you came none of my servants have been acting according to etiquette." Mostly, because they're scared of you, but I'm gonna let it slide because I tasted your blood this morning.

"Oh, Zhen's consort knows the meaning of respect?" He asked due to me acting humbly.

I looked at him with a confused expression and asked, "when have I not shown his highness the respect he deserves."

He smirked and grabbed my hands, placing it were I bit him. "Does this refresh my consort's foggy memory."

I smirked and got closer to him. "I was simply proving a point to my husband. Not disrespecting the emperor."

His eyes instantly lit up. "Your husband?" He said caressing my hand.

I sighed noticing that he liked the title. I guess it's normal, the only thing that the ML has ever wanted is a family. He came back with the hopes of building a family.

"I like the thought of calling you my husband. You have a thousand more wives, so it's not like you really care." I said moving my hand away from him to tease him.

He captured it as soon as I stopped touching him and pulled me into his chest. "The only woman Zhen has, is in his embrace."

"...That's technically not true," I said ruining the mood.

The ML laughed and held my face in his hands while saying, "is my lovely wife drinking vinegar."

"She is not. Chenqie would simply like to place some ground rules." I said ending all the flirting and focusing on the important parts.

The ML didn't take the hint and kept smothering me. "Are you worried that I'm gonna sleep with other women?"

"I actually don't mind," I said destroying the MLs cheeky smile.

"Men will always be men, and they will always want more women. That I understand. I ac..."

"How many concubines does your father have?" He asked while putting a bit of force in my chin.

"He only has my mother," I said while looking into his eyes that were no longer warm.

"Then what do you mean by, 'men will always be men?'" He asked.

"My dad is different," I said.

"Do you admire your father?" He asked.

"I love him, but yes, I also admire him." I responded knowing where he was leading the conversation to.

"Do you admire those men?" He asked.

"I don't need to. They admire me, but to answer your question no, I do not care for them."

"Can you promise me that you will still admire and care for me, knowing that I sleep with other women?" He asked not breaking eye contact.

"Can you promise me that you won't sleep with other women?" I asked with a mocking smile.

He furrowed his brows and said, "I can. My father made my mother feel miserable with all of his actions. She had to fight just to have me. I do not want to be anything like him. So if you promise to love me and be with me, I can promise to love you and be loyal to you."

His voice was enchanting when he said that. Soft but deep just like cello. If I wasn't my amazing self I would've fallen.

"Do you love me?" I asked with a serious expression.

"...I would be lying if I said I did. I barely know you, but I would also be lying if I said I didn't like you."

Knowing that the ML wasn't one of those crazy guys that fell for anyone they saw, I threw my arms over his shoulders and kissed his cheek.

"I also kind of like you. I would promise to always be with you, but I already kind of promised it to your mother." I said joking around.

"...You promise to always be with my mother?" He asked.

"I promised your mother to always be with you." I said feeling annoyed.

He laughed and kissed my cheek. I grabbed his face feeling how smooth and warm it was.

"Chenqie didn't know his highness could laugh so carelessly." I said while touching his face.

"Do you dislike it? He asked.

"Of course not! This is good, I can't fall in love with your usually cold demeanor, I mean, I can. I actually kind of did, but that love was physical not emotional." I rambled.

He laughed wholeheartedly, making his appearance look more approachable and kind of hotter.

"Let me do your hair." I said while guiding him to my vanity mirror.

"Do you know how to do this," he asked. I used to do it all the time for my daughter but, it was so long ago that I'm not sure if I can do it.

"...Even if it's not the most appealing hairstyle, you have the most appealing face so that will balance everything out." I said not too sure of my abilities.

"I'm a monarch. Are you playing to make my entire kingdom think of me as the untidy monarch?"

"We really need to improve your name calling, but it's fine. I used to do it all the time for my dad." I said while brushing his smooth hair.

I'm actually kind of jealous, I put a lot of homemade crap into my hair to make it shiny and smooth. But of course, the MLs go through no efforts whatsoever to look impeccable.

I'm gonna make him ugly.

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