Leanne 3.0

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"Good morning, freshmen. My name is, Leanne Snow, the representative of the sophomore class. Here in, Prestige Academy, a representative means a leader, a role model, and a friend. So please don't be scared to ask me for anything if you need help. The school currently has 3 representatives. The representative for the senior class, the representative for the junior class, and me the representative for the freshman and sophomore class. The reason for this is...."
'Oww, my host really knows how to give a speech,' said Liam.
'Of course, I do,' I said to him on my mind.
'Host are you not going to do anything about the Male lead,' said Liam.
'How much time do I have before he meets the female lead?' I asked him.
'He's currently 18, so approximately 4 years and 8 months,' said Liam.
'Then let me enjoy my high school experience, I'll make contact him when I'm in college and am more physically grown,' I said.
'As you wish, but are you just gonna go with the flow?'
'For the moment I'm gonna build connections, get good grades, love my family, get into a good college, and get more beautiful,' I explained.
'That sounds fun,' said Liam.
'It is,' I said to Liam as I finished my speech, "if there are no more questions, please take some of the refreshments provided, we're gonna go to the entrance ceremony in a few minutes. Remember, you're gonna be the future leaders of the world, so please behave like such here. Thank you for your time," I said as I step off the podium and went towards my friends, through all the applauses.
"That was perfect, Lia," said mona.
"Thanks, did you guys have breakfast?" I asked.
"Yeah, we ate while waiting for you?" Said Elizabeth.
"Ehh, so you're trying to exclude me," I said with tears in my eyes.
"Stop being dramatic. We just got hungry while waiting for you. Did you finish your speech for the entrance ceremony?" Asked Kate.
"Yeah, I'm ready. Grab the freshman, and let's get this speeches over with," I said.
(Random freshman)
Beautiful, charming, and witty is how I would describe the representative of the freshman and sophomore class. The speech she gave during the welcoming to the young Chateaus, was extremely charming. Everybody laughed at her jokes and she gave us very useful information, about high school. Apparently, to be a representative you have to be elected by the whole chateau class, which means you have to be the most popular person in the school, for the richest people to vote for you. After that, we were walked to the school entrance ceremony by the other sophomores, who were also very pretty. However, they didn't that charm that Leanne carried and guess what? Leanne, also gave the welcoming speech to the whole school, for having the a perfect grade on the entrance exam. Anyway, she seems like the type of girl whose at the top of the world.
After I gave my speech to the school, I went back to my clases (and apparently only Elizabeth and I were on the same class). I greeted to my old school mates and presented myself to my new teachers and after a successful day at school, I went home. As I walked towards my room I found my grandfather in one of the reading rooms. "Good evening, grandpa," I said as I kissed him on the cheeks.
"Hey brat, when did you get home?" he asked.
"Just now. What are you doing?" I asked.
"Just looking through old photo albums. You're not angry with me right? About the engagement," he said.
"Of course not. I'm sure you only wanted the best for me. However, I want to make those kinds of decisions by myself," I told him.
He sighed and said, " I understand. I'll call Michael and tell him to forget about the engagement. You were too good for his grandson, anyway."
"There's no need. You said it yourself, the engagement is more like a suggestion, I can get rid of him any time I want," I said.
" Hahaha. That's my girl, just going with the flow," he said.
"I'm gonna go to my room now," I said.
"Uemm," he grunted, "see you at dinner," he said.
"Host, your grandfather seems like a nice person," said Liam as I threw myself in my bed (that seem bigger than a king size) and said, "he does," enjoying the softness of my pillows.
"Sleep for a while and then get ready for dinner, don't make your parents suspect you're not their daughter anymore, " said Liam
"Umm," I grunted.

Quick Transmigration: Beat The Female Lead SystemWhere stories live. Discover now