Sang Yunxie 1.9

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After the empress dowager and I entered my residence we were served tea by one of the servants. I took a little sip but immediately put it down. The taste was so fucking strong that it actually upsetted my stomach.

Thankfully, the empress dowager was looking at some documents and didn't even bother with the tea.

I subtlely put it down and looked towards the servant that handed us the tea. When I looked at her I was surprised but not really.

It was a little child no older than twelve years. She looked a little nervous with her head down. I decided that since the empress dowager was not gonna taste it and she's just a little child. I could just put the tea down and deal with her later.

"Yuxie, look at this documents," said the empress dowager as she handed me some a big pile of papers.

As I looked at them my heart almost stopped. Inside was the information of every single member in court. From their ancestors to their servants.

I looked at the empress dowager with a surprised look on my face. This type of information is something only the son of heaven could have, the emperor.

Inside this documents were the dirty secrets of high ranking officials. This something only the royal family could use to keep their subjects in place.

"Mother empress, chenqie really shouldn't be looking at this," I said with trembling fingers.

Although, this could be use as leverage if someone knew that I had access to this type of information, they could see me as a threat. I don't ancient Chinese people coming after me. I thought I only had to seduce the ML not dirty my hands with the court.

"Yunxie, the last few years aijia's been the one ruling this country. Although, it was only behind the scenes she ruled. However, aijia's not so young anymore and aijia's afraid, she's not always gonna be able to protect her family. By giving you this papers she's giving you her trust. In the years to come I want you to help me rule so, that when aijia's son comes home you could help him too," said the empress dowager with sad eyes.

'Host, you can use this opportunity to get close to the Male lead in the future. Also, didn't you tell your mother that you came to the palace to make a change? Hurry up and say yes, ' said Liam with an annoyed tone.

'You're not the one putting himself at risk, okay?' I said also annoyed at his attitude.

'Honey, you're life is my life. Are you seriously saying that the only life who's at risk is yours bec...'

'Oh my gosh, I got it. Okay?' I said tired of his drama.

I looked at the empress with decisive eyes and told her, "chenqie understands."

"Good, tomorrow morning wake up early so that we can to court together," she said while sighing. She then got up and walked towards the entrance.

"Yunxie," called the empress dowager.

"Umh?" I asked.

"You're a good child. Remember to review those documents before tomorrow morning. Also, keep them safe," she said walking away.

I couldn't help but sigh when she left. After a few minutes of silence, I gathered the papers and got up.

"Xin you, can you gather all of the servants in the throne hall," I said as I walked to my sleeping quarters.

Once I got there I quickly jumped on the bed where Lea was resting peacefully. The sudden movements startled her and she got on her little paws trying to run away. However, I was faster than her and gently grabbed her with a grin on my face.

When she saw my face a surprised look appeared on her face but was quickly replaced with annoyance. She quickly started screeching and moving her cute little paws so that I would leave her alone.

Unfortunately, I was in a playful mood so, I started caressing her ears. Making her mood towards my hand for more.

Once I knew she wasn't trying to escape, I started tickling her. She got even more annoyed this time she bite me with her her toothless mouth.

I only felt that she was sucking my hand so, I laughed.

"Mistress, all of the servants have been gathered in the throne hall," said Xin You. Interrupting my play time with Lea.

Lea looked pretty angry at me so, I decided to quit while I was ahead and released her. She quickly turned her fluffy body away from me and jumped off the bed, walking to god knows where.

"Xin You, please bring the contracts of the new servants. You'll be in charge of assigning everyone a job based on their abilities," I said as I walked to the throne hall.

When I got there I went directly to my throne and sat there with a let's get it over with look.

"As I said before, you're all my servants and I didn't lie at all when I spoke to you a few hours ago. However, I forgot to expand an a common but touchy subject.... treason," I said with a gentle smile on my face.

The faces of some of the servants turned stiffed while others looked confused. However, it doesn't matter because as soon as I said that word they kowtowed with their heads touching the floor.

"Raise your head, I want you to look aty mr when I'm talking," I said waiting for them to look up.

Their expressions were nervous. But, I didn't mind it and snapped my beautiful fingers.

As soon as I did a group of men dressed in black surrounded the giant hall.

Their faces couldn't be seemed because of their black masks but, their physiques were outstanding. As soon as they appeared the hall was surrounded by a powerful atmosphere.

"These are my are my wonderful staff. They are in charge of protecting me, serving me, and obeying me. I'm telling you this because I don't know your lives but, if even think about harming me. You will die," I said with a smile.

The servants looked terrified at my words. Which is what I expected.

"However, I know all of you are smart and you were chosen to serve me for a reason. So, I will trust you. From this day onward I want you to be perfect. You're now living in the royal palace, a place the common folk look up to. So every action, decision, or sentences you make should perfect. Every single one of your movements should be an extension of mine. Don't get in unnecessary arguments, any disturbance in the palace must be immediately reported to me immediately, you will answer to no one but me. Is that understood?" I asked with a threatening tone.

"Yes, imperial consort Sang," they said throwing their heads in the floor.

"Great," I said with a gentle smile. Putting my beautifully delicate expression back again.

"This palace should also be the epitome of perfection and beauty. I want the floors to shine, the air to be fragrant, and the servant to be obedient. Okay?" I asked again.

"Yes, imperial consort Sang!" They said in unison again.

"Perfect, we're gonna start working tomorrow morning. I know all of you had a hard day so, take this day to get accustomed to the residence. I've asked the kitchen to prepare a table and a few dishes for you to have dinner and get to know each other better. Please remember that as long as your loyal you have no one to fear in the palace. If you disatisfy fo yourself a favor and kill yourself. Understood?" I asked again.

"Yes, imperial consort Sang!"

"This girl is called, Xin You. She's gonna be in charge of helping you get used to your new life. Tomorrow you will be tested in numerous areas to see where you can help out. I'm kind of tired at the moment so I'll be retiring. Also, I'm normally pretty easy going. I just needed to establish boundaries," I said walking out of the throne room.

I wanted the servants to know that as long as they loyally followed me, I would protect them. But, they needed to serve and be obedient.


Quick Transmigration: Beat The Female Lead SystemKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat