Sang Yunxie 1.7

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After returning to my family's home, I went directly to my courtyard were Xin You followed me with a little cat in her hands.

I ordered the servants to bring a basin to the backward filled with warm water and some food that was edible for a kitten. 

After we washed the poor creature that didn't have any energy to fight and was also a female, I decided to wrap her in a towel and finally hold her.

To my great pleasure the little kitty was as white as snow and those big blue eyes just made her looked adorable. Her little paws were a pale pink and she was simply gorgeous.

"What are you gonna name her, Mistress?" Asked Xin you as she looked at my baby with shiny eyes.

"I don't know. Do you have any ideas?" I said as I fed the kitten.

Xin You Looked very happy about naming her and thought about it for a second and then with a bright smile she said, "how about, little white?"

I looked at her with a really  face and said, "get the fuck out of here," in English.

She looked confused and said, "I'm sorry mistress, Xin You is uneducated so she doesn't understand."

Which was a lie. This girl has been raised next to me and although my mother didn't teach her medicine she did taught her many other things. So, saying that she was uneducated was simply a big fat lie. But, being the kind person I am, I let it go.

"I'm trying to learn a new language. What I said means no," I told her.

"Mistress, You're very talented," she said.

"Thank you very much," I said not denying it since it was true. 

"So, what are you gonna name her?" She asked me again.

I thought about it for a second and for a second and finally decided.

"Lea," I said. So, that I never forget that I was once Leanne. Not to mention that, this was what great women did. They named their descendants after themselves so, that people remember their names and that they are the originals.

"That's a very unique name. Where is it from?" She curiously asked.

"A foreign country. Since, Lea came from a foreign country is only right that she's name with a name from her homeland," I said with a smile.


After I washed Lea, the night came so I had dinner with my mother and to my bedroom to sleep with Lea in my arms. Where an annoying voice bothered me.

'Host, are you still mad?' Asked Liam with a lay back tone. Which annoyed since I suffered because of him but, he sounded like it was nothing.

'Noooo,' I said with an attitude.

'I was just messing around but, if you want me to apologize I will. Just say the word,' he said expecting me to tell him to apologize.


'I know what you're gonna say since, you're basically a part of me and I'm a part of you. Which also means that I know how you feel and the extent of those feelings. So, I'm gonna say this again. Eleanor, if you want me to apologize I will,' he said  with a tone that said continue.


'I'm just gonna say this again if....'

'I WANT TO SO LET ME FINISH, DUMBASS,' I said almost throwing Lea across the room since I was hugging her.

'People (I) have told you worse things in the past so, why are you angry that I said one little mean thing?' He said with a defensive tone.

'Because, I want to be angry now deal with it and apologize,' I said with an  unreasonable tone.

'I did,' he said with a raised voice.

'Do it again, I want hear you saying it like you mean it,' I said trying to make him suffer.

'I love you,' he said trying to get out of apologizing.

'I know but, that's not what I asked you. Now. Say. It'

'Host, I... am.'

'You are, what?' I asked noticing that he sounded like he was gonna die.

 Honestly, I didn't even know why I was mad. His insult was indeed better than his other insults so, I guess that's why I was angry. We always fight but, I always win and when he does win is because he blackmails me into sending me to bad worlds. So, I guess I'm angry because, I lost an argument against him.


'What?' asked Liam.

'What?' I responded.

'I heard you say shit but I don't see anything wrong with you're body. So, what's wrong?' He asked sounding concerned.

'Nothing,' I said not willing to admit why my feelings were hurt.

'Host,' he said with a warning voice.

'Liam, are you trying to get out of apologizing?' I said going back to him.

'Are you trying to get out of being honest with me?' He retorted.

'Why would I do that?' I asked with a shocked tone.

'I don't know, why would you?' He threw the question back at me.

'You know what? I can't deal just forget this ever happened. Cause unlike I actually get tired and I wanna go back to sleep,' I said throwing my head back in the pillow.

'You're avoi..'

'Don't push your luck, Liam,' I warned him.

'Fine,' he said.


Author's note: Hello,

I'll see you next week hot pants.



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