Sang Yunxie 1.27

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After my heartfelt advice the FL looked indignant and said,"Imperial consort Sang, I understand that you've been here for a long time but I recommend you watch your words when talking to me."

I was about to say something but the empress dowager beat me to it, "Why should she watch her words? You might not be used to hard love but let me tell you something, your position as empress is hanging by a thread. Is a couple who hasn't consummated their marriage really a couple?" The empress dowager had a cold expression in her face but still looked sooo good!

"Your majesty, Chenqie said until you do consummate the marriage. Or are you planning to become a wife in name only?" I asked with a troubled smile. I guess my hatred for her kind of escaped my mouth.

The FL looked baffled, was she planning to not consummate the marriage like last time? Pffft! In her dreams. Either she has sex with the ML and disappoints her cousin or she has sex with her cousin and disgusts the ML. This might sound terribly chauvinist, because it is, but once the MLs discover that their woman had sex with another man they either become disgusted or go down the yandere path.

"That's enough. The two of you are not allowed to interfere with Zhen's affairs." The ML said with a commanding tone and cold expression.

I honestly didn't care since I went a bit over the line. But, the empress dowager looked hurt by his words while the Fl's expression went from surprised to relief, "Yunfei,  aijia only wants what's best for you." The voice of the empress dowager was warm but also hurt. I don't really care what the ML says to me since he's just a mission but I cannot, I repeat, I cannot stand seeing this woman hurt. It's stupid but her controlling ass grew on me.

"Your highness, Chenqie apologizes for her disrespectful words but you need to know that the court members are not gonna be happy. You didn't consummate the marriage which technically means you're not yet married........" I let my words linger in the air for a moment. I was trying to gently pressu, I mean persuade him to do something about the virginity of the FL.

The FL and ML both looked surprised at my words. What did this idiots think, that just because they did a couple vows they were stuck with each other? How did they think that women remarried here? Huh? They claimed they were still virgins! It's a somewhat conservative country but there are plenty of ways to fake virginity.

The ML sigh and then said, "it's been a rough day for all of you. It's better if you go rest." He said implying for everyone to leave. Was he gonna reproach me once we were alone. I admit that I went through a BDSM stage but I was not in the receiving end.

"Aijia's gonna stay with Yunxie. She's been through a lot the past couple hours." The empress dowager said while stroking my hair. Tell him mother! He left me sore, he left me tired, he left me wanting to cut his... nails.

"Mom, zhen would like to discuss something with his wife."

The empress dowager looked at him with a scrutinizing gaze but elegantly got off the bed and went out the door without a word. You traitor, I thought you loved me.

The doctor and the few servants next to me didn't even waist a second and ran out the door with their heads bowed. The FL looked like she got the clue but was a bit unsure about leaving. Thankfully for her, the ML answered her doubts by giving her an icy glare that made her walk away indignantly.

Finally, it was just me and him left. Oh yeah! There was also Liam.

'Help me!'



After everyone left the ML walked to the bed and mindlessly sat on it. Maybe if he remembers that I was his first he wouldn't punish me, right?

With that in mind, my expression quickly shifted and my face gained a subtle blush. I was about to nervously play with my hair but I was soon stopped.

'Host, I know that the word shame isn't a part of your vocabulary but distracting a man with sex is the epitome of shamelessness!'

'WRONG!' I yelled almost laughing. 'It's the only reason women have survive this long, you fool.'

'Oh lord help me,' Liam whispered. 'If you forgot plenty of women have tried to seduce this iceberg so just stop what you're doing before he starts hating you.'

'Oh shit. My bad, thanks for reminding me sweetie. I love you!'

'Just do your job'

Thankfully, I hadn't done anything extremely stupid and just had a slightly nervous expression. The ML was just looking at me with furrowed brows and suddenly an oppressive aura surrounded the bedroom.

"Imperial consort Sang, are you mocking zhen?" He said while looking at me with a slight smirk.

"Excuse me?" I felt a little nervous because I honestly didn't know how to approach the situation.

"Are you treating zhen as a joke?" His voice got more clear and more oppressive. His face was beautiful and masculine but it was overshadowed by his chilly expression.

Noticing that he wasn't joking with me I got serious. "Chenqie wouldn't dare, your highness." I said while looking at him straight in the eyes.

His body was large so it only took him a single movement to get close to me. He easily pushed me down and whispered in my ear. "Then why are obsessed with pairing zhen with that woman? Did you forget that I'm your husband? Or do I need to fuck you again so that you can remember?"

What the fuck!?

"...Your highness Chenqie was only trying to figure out what we're gonna next."

"I will tell you. We're gonna do nothing. You asked me what happened right? Zhen will tell you." He said as his left hand roamed around by body and his right held my face up so that I look at him.

"Zhen discovered that that woman is no good. Annulling the marriage is no good because an imperial token was given but that's something we can resolve another day. For now, let's clarify this. You are Zhen's woman, you yourself told zhen to cherish you, so that's what Zhen's gonna do. I recommend you return the favor." He quietly said next to my hair.

His hand was stroking my leg and the other one found it's way to my chest. I would've been open to this if his body wasn't pressing down on mine. Trust me, I love sex but I love myself more.

"Your highness, you're heavy."

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