Sang Yunxie 1. 31

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'Who?' I asked.

'We'll decide once you finish this world. However, as much as I love your integrity for this relationship, wasn't that answer a little too fast?' Asked Liam with an unsure tone.

'Was it?'

'Yes. It definitely was.' He repeated.

I understood why he was suspicious of how quickly I agreed. However, it wasn't that serious.

'It's not like I'm gonna be killing an actual human being. I'm gonna be killing a character from a book.'

As soon as I said that I heard Liam groaned as if he was having a headache. 'No sweetheart, you won't be killing a character from a book. Ugh, I thought that you were acting so carefree because of your terrible personality, but I didn't think that you were detaching from reality.'

'I am not detaching from reality. This isn't a reality, to begin with.' I said, a bit annoyed by him.

'Just because this isn't the reality you are used to doesn't mean it's not real. Did you think that Leanne's world was just a novel that you could through? Were your friends and family just characters?' He asked with a harsh voice.

'Of course not! They were different.' I said a bit discouraged by his words.

'I know. But how were they any different than the people in this world?'

I was a bit mad at the way he was questioning my choices so I told him. 'Well for once they didn't appear in the actual story. Which means that their words and actions were not decided by the author. They weren't characters that you could use to make the love between the protagonists stronger. They made their own decisions and choose their own words. They were real to me.'

'So because they had free will they be different?


'Are you dumb? Sorry, I mean, are you dumber? Do you think that the author of the novel is making the male lead sleep with your idiotic self? Huh?'

He was acting as if I physically hurt them and honestly, his words were not very nice.

'Honey, although I love your poisonous tongue...your words are hurting me a bit. Can you stop?'

'No. No, Eleanor, I cannot. However, just because I love you so much, I'm gonna give you a reality check. This is your new reality. I've been sending you to worlds where you have all of the advantages in the world. You're basically a princess. Unfortunately, this isn't always going to be the case. At some point, I'm gonna be required to send you to worlds where you'll be literal trash in the eyes of other people. So, enjoy this while you can and treat people with respect.'

'I am not disrespecting anyone. I just don't want to get hurt. If I put myself out there and love everything and everyone who is nice to me. I'm gonna become attached to them, and eventually, I'll become depressed because I have to leave them. It's better if I just complete my mission and stop the ML from becoming a male servant to the FL, stop the cousin from killing himself, and just save a few cannon folders from their inevitable death. My plan is to live and forget. I don't want to get overly involved.' I confessed.

I don't want to become a Mary sue who loves and cares for everyone. I want to become someone who doesn't care about everyone, only the people who are important to me. If I keep everyone I meet close to my heart, I'll sooner or later have a trillion people who I care about. Then that care won't have any meaning, because I give it to anyone and everyone.

'Liam, I'm just gonna care about you. You're my constant, and my everything. I don't need anyone else in my heart apart from you.' I confessed. When I die, Liam is going to be there. When I laugh, cry, or scream he's gonna be there. So what's the point of getting attached to anyone except for him. They are going to disappear, he won't.

Liam laughed and said, 'That's messed up.'

'Welcome to my world.'

'Eli, we have no choice but to be there for each other. But that doesn't mean you have to close your heart to other people.'

'I'm not. I'm just going to make sure that not everyone gets in. Only a few selected candidates. To show you that I'm not lying I made a list. 1.) They need to be hot as f*ck.
2.) They need to be as cute as f*ck.
3.) They need to be loyal as f*ck.
Basically, the same qualifications I put with my original friends. Anyway, your body needs to be hot as fuck if you want me to like you. Although I love you with all of my being, I still have some standards.'

Liam laughed with humor in his voice. 'You know, the standards you set determine the life you get. So, live lavishly and surround yourself with beauty.'

I accompany his humorous words and said, 'Don't think I won't.'

'Go back. I love you too.'

'I know.'

When I focused my attention on what was happening, I noticed that I was distracted for too long. The emperor and his father in law were having a very awkward conversation.

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