Arc 1.0

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After I died I woke up in a spacious white room decorated with golden designs. The bed I was in was really comfortable like, I was sleeping on clouds. The room had a sitting area with tea prepared and everything. There was also a vanity mirror and a full length mirror. When I walked to the full length mirror to see how I looked, I was surprised. The person there looked like me... well the past me. Except that she also resemble Leanne a little. I didn't have beautiful blue eyes my past life and my features became more delicate and refined.

"Welcome to system 013, host. Would you like to form an official and eternal bond with me?" Asked a deep and smooth voice that made me feel like I was home.

"Liam?" I asked with a smile, even though the voice was a little different.

"Would you like to form an official and eternal bond with me?" The voice asked again.

"Of course I want to," I responded.

"Initiating bond in [5...4...3]," when the countdown reached zero I felt something warm growing in me. However, I also felt like my body wasn't complete. Physically I was fine but, I felt that there was another part of me out there.

"Welcome to system 013 host 013. I'm looking forward to working with you," said the voice.

"I'm looking forwards to working with you too system 013," I said as I smile.

"Host, are you going to drop the nickname?" A voice that sounded more like my Liam suddenly spoke.

"Are you gonna drop the whole deep voice thing?" I asked.

"That was just procedure. I want to make sure everything is perfect for your next world," said Liam.

"So, how did I do on this world?" I asked excited to look at the stats.

Suddenly a big blue screen appear in front of me and showed a few lines:

Name: Eleanor Vladimir

System: 013

World's completed: 1

Mental strength: 60/100

Wisdom: 80/100

Intelligence: High

Points earned: 1000/1000

Abilities: [Multiple languages] [Blackmail] [Average seduction skills]

"Liam, I really don't know how to feel about this stats," I said when I looked at the few lines that were posted on the screen.

"I supposed that you should feel happy," he said sounding like if he didn't understand what I was talking about.

I smiled happily and asked, "ehh, why in the bloody hell should I feel happy?"

"You earned 1000/1000 points for this world?" He stated and asked at the same time.

"That's true but, WHY THE FUCK ARE MY SEDUCTION SKILLS AVERAGE?" I yelled at him. Many people have fallen for my charms so I think I'm pretty good at seduction.

"Host, you're beautiful and you may think that you're pretty good at making people fall in love with you. But, 60% percent of your seduction tactics depend on your looks. So, calling them average is actually pretty generous of me," he said with a sigh.

"What about my skills involving blackmail?" I asked angry for some reason.

"Do I even need to answer that?" He asked.

"Fuck you," I told him.

"Okay, do you have any more questions?" he asked.

"Who else can see my stats?" I asked since I don't want anyone to shame me for this.

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