Sang Yunxie 1.17

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After the long intimate section, we both fell asleep in each other's arms. Well, to be honest I drugged him.

I had heard from Liam that he had trouble sleeping so, I put a little something in my body before he showed up, a perfume per se.

It wasn't anything dangerous, just a little something to make him relax without making him suspicious of me. Not too mention that it smells really good.

'Host, wake up. The ml's leaving,' Liam warned me when I felt a small movement on the bed. But I didn't want to wake up because I was too tired.

'Tell him to leave the money on the dresser.'

'...Host,' said Liam with a tone that said really.

'Fine,' I said giving up before he started his big speech about morals or self respect.

I lazily moved to see the Ml putting his clothes on. All of my clothes were gone but, my back was covered by the blankets. My eyes were drowsy but I still tried to keep them opened.

"Awake?" Asked a deep voice.

"Yes," I answered with a soft voice and drowsy face.

"There's no need for you to wake up. Zhen can pay his respects to mother empress alone," he said with a dismissive voice, telling me to go back to sleep.

I really wanted to sleep but, I also wanted to meet the FL. So, I rejected his words.

"No need. Chenqie still needs to gather the rest of the concubines, pay respects to the new empress, pay respects to mother empress, and accompany his majesty to court. The officials are very excited to finally see you. There's also some other stuff that needs to be dealt with," I said as I rubbed my eyes together and tried to get out of bed. Unfortunately, when I tried to take a few steps, my knees failed me. As I was about to kiss the ground when strong arms grabbed my waist.

"If you insist on walking through the palace like a baby deer who just learned how to walk. Zhen, won't insist," he smirked.

Fuck my life!

He was already dressed and I really needed to be able to walk. So, I covered my body with the blankets and ordered Xin You to come inside. "Xin You!" I called.

Normally, she wouldn't be waiting outside of my room. But, since the emperor was here it was only normal for her to wait, in case we needed anything. She quickly came inside with her head bowed. Although, I couldn't see her expression I could still see the red ears.

"Go to the medicine room and get me the bowl with the pain creams," I said as the ml held me for balance.

His brows furrowed and he asked, "you're really planning to walk around like that?" He sounded a little angry.

But I didn't mind it and said, "I'm just a little sour and the medicine I create is really good. Not to mention, that I can simply move around in a palanquin."

His brows furrowed deeper and he said, "Zhen told you to rest so rest. Don't worry about the court, we can move it for tomorrow. Also, there's no need to pay respects to anyone." Then, he held me up and put me back in the bed.

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