Sang Yunxie 1.34

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The ML and I were eating together but I felt somehow awkward. I honestly couldn't eat my food, since two people (or entities) have criticized my attitude on the same day.

The ML seemed to be enjoying his meal, but I still wanted some closure to the previous conversation. So, I ate some of the side dishes while I waited for him to finish.

As soon as he was done, I ordered the girls to take the plates away. They did it pretty smoothly and soon left us alone.

"Your highness, chenqie ordered the girls to prepare you a warm bath and told the eunuch to bring you some clothes. When you're ready, they'll be waiting for you, " I said as I poured him some tea.

He grabbed the cup and said, "you seem to be troubled." Basically asking me what was bothering me.

"Chenqie's been wondering if her behavior has offended his highness in any way?"

"Did my previous actions scare you?" He asked.

"They didn't, but they made chenqie reflect on her actions," I said as I cautiously looked at him. He didn't seem to be bothered by the conversation but looked more interested in the tea.

"I never tasted this before, " he said as he moved his finger around the edges of the cup.

"Is called, white cloud tea. My mother's teacher personally grew it, " I said while also tasting it. The tea was highly aromatic with a sweet, slightly nutty and mildly fruity flavor. To be honest, it was one of my favorite blends, but I wasn't interested in the tea. I was interested in what he thought of me. Which in a way was also the tea I was looking for.

"Are you two close?" He asked while finally looking at me.

"I believe I met him once when I was nine. If I recall correctly he was a witty old man with a taste for poetry. However, he's closer to my mother than me, " I answered. Even though, I really wanted to know what was on in his mind. Did he notice I was lying? Does he hate me? Ugh! Talk man, TALK!

He suddenly got up and coldly said, " zhen will take a bath now."

What the fuck!? You asked me something and I fucking answered. However, when I asked y o u something, you changed the topic and fucking walked away. What the bloody fuck? Do I look like a fucking female lead, that will take all of your crap with open arms? I will destroy your disrespectful ass you fucking piece of shit!

'... I think he's gonna destroy you first.'


'okay, ' Liam muttered.

I felt bad for yelling at Liam out of nowhere, but I was really stressed. I'm pretty sure the ML threatened me, and I don't know if he's gonna kill me if act the wrong way or say the wrong thing. Like what the fuck? Also, I'm not even sure if I can trust the fucking script because my father is coming home way before time, and there's a new character in the book, that WASN'T EVEN ON THE BOOK AND NOW I'M PRETTY SURE I'm gonna die. Waah!

Suddenly, a couple of tears streamed down my face without warning. I don't know why but I started to cry without actually wanting to. I just felt very scared. My goal was to be good to him, and not caused him any pain as the female lead did. I was supposed to be loyal and prevent deaths and misunderstandings. But when he said that he didn't want to see me get hurt, his eyes weren't warm. They were cold and chilly. Almost as if he was threatening me.

I rubbed my eyes to stop my tears from falling but they just kept going. I felt very stupid. Since when does the beautiful cry? They laugh smugly at those uglier. They don't feel scared because of a simple threat.

'Host is okay. I don't feel any killing intent from the ML towards you.'

'I know. I'm okay, is just that this stupid body isn't listening to me. I think is defective, ' said trying to stop the tears from falling.

'I think you're in shock since everyone's always nice and respectful towards you. Just breath in and out. Everything is going to be okay. You're going to be okay. We're gonna be okay. Everyone is gonna be okay. Now, breath in and out again.'

Liam's voice was very soothing, and thanks to his words I was feeling better. My body was still trembling a bit, but as I kept breathing I could control my emotions better. Still, I didn't want to become a corpse overnight. So I walked outside and ignore the girls asking where I was going.

I went to the bathroom that wasn't being used by the ML and took my clothes off. The girls followed and tried to make me wait so that they could put salts and flowers into the bathtub. But I ignored them and entered the bathtub. The water was cold but I just grabbed the soap and cleaned myself. I didn't wet my hair and got out within four minutes.

Everyone was looking at me weirdly but I just grabbed my robe and went straight to my inner chambers. I took out some lavender candles from a little compartment inside my closet and took out my guqin.

After I set everything into place, I looked at myself in the mirror application. To be honest, I wish I hadn't. I looked like if I went through divine punishment. My eyes were bloodshot red, my brows were furrowed, and my smile was nowhere to be seen. I felt naked.

So I went to my vanity mirror moisturized my face and put on a tinted lip balm. I didn't know what to do about my eyes, so I just brush my hair. I also noticed that the robe I was wearing wasn't very ladylike, so I went to my closet and found something loose and pretty. Yet, simple. I wore my hair in a low messy bun. But to be honest, I had so much hair that it somehow looked like it was loose.

I checked my appearance again, and it was more acceptable. I wore a spaghetti strap white nightgown with a thin ribbon below my breast. The spaghetti straps made my clavicle look more defined and my neck longer. Some strands of my hair flowed down my neck and made my skin look more radiant. Unfortunately, I couldn't do anything about my eyes but I wasn't complaining. My face looked to be exuding this... sadness when I smiled. With this, I'm gonna talk to the ML and see what's on his mind.

Quick Transmigration: Beat The Female Lead SystemWhere stories live. Discover now