Sang Yunxie 1.8

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In the short week that I spend with my mother I got a lot closer to Lea. I discovered that the little ball of fur was very bipolar. One day she couldn't bear to be away from me, the other she ignored me like the wind.

I also had a little trouble feeding her because she couldn't drink any milk and the ancient times didn't have any food for cats. So, I simply gave her water and tried feeding her little bites of solid food mix with water. It's very difficult being a mother.

"Mistress, we're ready to go back to the palace," informed me Xin You as I played with Lea, who was trying to catch a little feather from my hands.

"Good job, where's my mother?" I asked trying to see if she was gonna say goodbye this time.


"I'm here," said a beautiful voice.

"Mommy, you came to see me off?" I asked with a big smile as I threw the feather at Lea and walked towards my mom.

"Here, this is for you," she said handing me a blue pouch.

There were nine needles with different shapes inside. All of them had a silver color but each was different. Not because of the exquisite designs on top but, the shape in the bottom.

"My master gave them to me on my fifteenth birthday. I was planning to give them to you on your birthday too. But, this seemed like a better occasion," she said while looking melancholic.

Maybe, she was thinking about her days with her master or what it would be like if I don't have to go and had to celebrate my birthday with her every year.

My eyes turned soft at her expression, "mom, I love you." I told her while getting closer and hugging her.

"I love you too baby," she said hugging me back.

"Will you come visit me at the palace?" I asked.

"I'll try," she said.

"If you don't, I'm gonna have to bug you until you do," I told her.

"I understand. Come, I'm gonna walk you out," she said. Grabbing my hand and kissing my forehead.

My body was still kind of small so,  she had to bend her head to be able to kiss me. Hopefully, in the next three years I'll get taller so that I don't look like a dwarf next to the male lead.

"Okay, you have to write me everyday," I said to her. Making sure that she knows I care about her.

"I'm not sure that's possible," she said with a laugh.

"Fine, then every week," I said like a spoiled child.

"Then, I'm gonna have to write you letters every week," she said with a smile.

After that, we walked to the front gates hand in hand and spent another five minutes saying goodbye. Although, she's not my actual mother I want to make sure that, I treat the people who loved the cannon fodders I took over, well.


When I got back to the palace, I was told that the empress dowager was waiting for me in my residence. Which was kind of surprising. Usually, Sang Yunxie is the one who always visited her.

When I entered my residence a servant led to the backyard. Where the empress dowager was standing tall in front of a group of people dressed like servants.

"Child, you're back. How was your trip?" Asked the empress dowager with a beaming smile as soon as she saw me.

I slightly bowed down to her and with an equally joyful smile I said, "it went well. Chenqie's happy to see the empress dowager in good health since, she missed her a lot."

The empress smiled got bigger and said, "come here. I did as I promised and got you new servants."

I went closer and stood next to her with a soft smile and gentle temperament. The empress dowager looked towards the servants and explained to me how she handpicked every single one of them. Which made me feel very touched.

There were approximately sixty-ish servants standing right in front of me. None of them were ugly but each had their own charm. All of them had their heads hanging low and seemed obedient at first glance.

After the empress was done explaining their ranks based on their abilities. Every single one of them decided to kowtow in unison saying, "this servant greets esteemed imperial consort Sang." Which kind of increased my self-esteem but, I didn't let it show.

"You may raise," I said in a humorous tone.

The servants immediately raised their bodies but still had their heads hanging low not daring to look at me (or the empress dowager).

I gently laughed at their attitudes and revealing a cheeky smile. Some of them couldn't help but look up with confused expressions.

Noticing their confused expressions I decided to focus on the task and be real with them.

"Nice to meet you all. From now on I will be your new master. At this moment some of you might be scared, some of you might be happy, and some of you might be hurt. Frankly, it doesn't matter. From today onwards you're servants from the Peony palace and you can choose to see this tittle anyway you can. You can have pride in it or you can detest it. As long as you do your job right and don't bring dishonor or trouble to your master, you can feel or do whatever you please. As long as you work diligently i'll make sure that you have a voice and that you're fairly rewarded or punish for your work or misdeeds," I said with an enchanting voice that demanded obedience.

As I was talking many of the servants stared at me with their mouths open and some had little sparkle in their eyes.

After I finished they looked at me with open mouths for a second but, quickly recovered and kowtowing they said,  "this servant greets esteemed imperial consort Sang."

"My, that's enough. Yunxie, you must be tired. Let aijia show you the new facilities that were installed so that, we can have some tea," said the empress dowager as she urge me along.

She decided to first show me the "small" kitchen that I asked her to build. Which in case you didn't get my sarcasm was not small. The appliances were not modern, of course. However, they made a good use of the stones to give the kitchen a clean, open, and neat vibe. I thought it was gonna be a small and enclosed space but, I couldn't be more happy considering the era I'm in. Not to mention that this kitchen is huge and well build. Once I had a few flowers and give it a homey vibe it will be perfect.

After I express my satisfaction to the empress dowager, she gently laughed and guided me my new garden. Which honestly was just a green house. The place was empty, there was a suitable amount of sunlight and air. It wasn't secluded like modern green houses but, it would protect plants in case a strong storm or wind came.

  "As you can see, there's nothing here. Aijia, thought that since it was your garden you should be the one who decides which plants you want here. Still, there's an entire medical royal garden at your disposal. Is fine that you want something private but, don't be afraid to ask for any plants that you want from the physicians or botanists. Anything in this palace is at your disposal," she said as she patted my hand. 

I cheekily smiled at her and said, "mother empress, truly treats me better than anyone else."

"This child. Come, we have some important business to discuss," she said while sighing.


Author's note: Sup my beautiful babies,

You won't believe what happened. Well... you already know but still. THIS NOVEL HAS MORE THAN 100K VIEWS!!! I feel so happy. I can't believe  my hobby got so popular, it's like... wow. I have no words. Because of how happy you all made, I decided to give this extra chapters. Take care of yourself.


Lilac ❤

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