Chapter 38

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Yeah sorry had to get thet out of my system... Onto the story~


"We're back-What are you doing?!" Mania bursted through the cell door just to see Raielle's body on the ground while the others were just playing with her body

Sean smiled sheepishly before talking "You see... She kind of shut herself down to not deal with us anymore..."

"I think that was really mean of you guys to tease her like that... She seemed really hurt." Emm said while walking next to the robot and picking her up

"Look at the poor girl! She might have attacked us but she didn't know any better..." She looked deep into Raielle's eyes as they suddenly her pupils dialated implying she was awake now. She quickly jumped on the girl and started hugging her intensely

"Aww! You really mean that?!"
Emm,who was confused for a moment, nodded sheepishly and hugged the robot back

"Okay..." Reipa said "That got very intimate very fast..."
But Mania broke the little soft moment and jumped on Raielle and took Emm away from her

"Get away from my baby!" Mania held Emm close to her and yelled profanities at Raielle

"It's ok Mania. She's not hurting me. And besides I'm not a child like Sean please let me go..." Emm said while slipping out of Mania's arms while Mania's eyes started to well up

(Y/N) walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder as an attempt to make the girl feel better which she smiled at

"Uhm... Okay then... Emm, do you think you can keep her under control?" (Y/N) asked, still trying to comfort Mania whose tears were about to spill

"Oh sure!" Dark Pit scoffed "Why not give a robot,who has violent tendencies, to a little girl?!" He said while sarcasm was dripping from every word he said

"Yeah! I don't mind hanging out with Dark Pit!" Raielle retorted back while she clinged onto Emm's arms

Emm just sighed and smiled at them "I'll do my best to keep her from doing anything stupid~"

And with that she left with Raielle to look around

"Wait, wait, wait! Are we seriously going to let them out like that?! I mean all she did was compliment her and then they became besties!" Reipa said walking over the dark winged angel

"(Y/N)..." Sean said slowly "Are you sure about this?"

(Y/N) nodded and looked outside
"I trust those two... And besides maybe Emm can bring her around!"

"(Y/N)... It's a robot... It's a brainless hunk of metal that only listens to the 01s in her head..." Dark Pit deadpanned

(Y/N) blushed and started to stumble over her words "I-I mean! If she can change the 01s in her head maybe she'll come around!"

Everyone just stared at her, thinking about how dumb one angel can get
"Well it doesn't matter now. They're out and Emm is a good friend of Raielle. If we hurt her she'd probably get mad at us..." Mania said while wiping her tears

Pit finally noticed the little monster crying and went up to her to console her
"Uhm... I'll take Mania with me for some fresh air..."

"Yeah sure. You probably want to spend time with your girlfriend and console her with nobody around~" Sean teased

Pit blushed at the comment and quickly started yelling stuff that the group wasn't able to comprehend. Finally he took Mania by hand and ran outside while she was still crying

"Well well well~" Reipa cooed while sliding next to (Y/N)
"So the little angel has become a softie-Ouch!"

(Y/N) had hit Reipa on the head, signaling her to shut up
"Anyways~ We'll leave for the time being because... We have stuff... To do..." Sean said trying to find an excuse to flee from (Y/N)'s slaps

After the two left Dark Pit and (Y/N) were alone making the monster angel blush again

"What is wrong with you? Your face is weirder than usual. Do you have a fever?" Dark Pit said as he approached the girl and placed a hand on her forehead. But (Y/N) didn't want him to touch her, so she quickly caught his hand on air and stopped him

"What are you doing?!"
The boy was quite furious about the girls' actions so he used his other hand to reach her which she stopped again. After a bit of struggling and grunting Dark Pit pulled (Y/N) close to himself and kissed her forehead.

Dark Pit stayed like that for a second and then pulled away making the girl fall limp in his arms
"Yeah, I was right... You do have a fever, you idiot... Let's get you to your room."

And with that Dark Pit carried the girl bridal style and brought her into her room and placed her on the bed.
"This happens so many times... You really gotta stop getting hurt all the time. It's a bother for me..."

(Y/N) just groans and turns away from the boy while tugging on the blanket which Dark Pit quickly pulls away from her and he opens the windows
"What is wrong with you?!" (Y/N) exclaimed "I'm freezing over here!"

"You're burning!" Dark Pit retorted "You need to cool yourself down! No blankets for you until then." And he threw the blanket away from the girl making her cross her arms and pout while lying on the bed

"You're the worst..." She said while turning away from her again

"And you're the dark one so we're even~"

To be continued

Okay I decided to make the stories a little shorter than normal and try to update as much as I can. Also did you guys notice that I'm running out of ideas-

The Dark One (Dark Pit X Reader) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ