Chapter 33

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"She's WHAT?!" Mania yelled, shocked by the new information

"You heard me correctly. She is Sean's sister~" Palutena smiled again

After the little conversation Emm came back to her senses and started asking questions
"Y-you mean you know my little brother! Where is he?! Goddess Palutena you should know where he is, right?!" Emm's eyes were filled with hope that she'd see her family once again but that glimmer in her eyes disappeared as soon as she saw everyone frowning

"Why are you all looking so sad... My brother... He's alright, right? My little Sean is alive! Right?!" Emm's green eyes were starting to water

"We're sorry, Emm..." Viridi said looking at the ground with her huge staff in her hand

After what Viridi had said the brown haired girl fell to her knees
"No... No no no! I promised him! I promised him that I'd see him again!"

All of them were reminded on how terribly they had taken care of the little child... Especially Mania... They couldn't give him a stable home, a loving family... They only brought him pain and suffering...

"My dear,sweet brother..." Emm broke down into tears

~Flashback to when Emm and Sean last saw eachother~

Sean ran to his older sister as fast as his little legs could carry him
"Big sis! I'm going with mother! So please wait for me here, okay?"

"Alright... Be careful though okay? Big sis wouldn't want you to get hurt~" The older sister caressed her little brothers' hair

"Okay!" He gave her the purest smile ever but the smile turned into a little pout "But you have to promise me to stay safe too! A-and promise me that you'll come to visit me AND mother!" He said while tugging onto her robe

Emm giggled in response

"I promise..."

~Present Time~

"We're sorry Emm... Get up... Let's take care of you, you seem terrible..." Palutena said while helping the weeping girl

After they left no one spoke a word. Silence had taken over them

Instead of breaking the silence Dark Pit suddenly walked away making the girl next to him jump

"Hey! Where are you going?" (Y/N) yelled as she ran towards the boy

"I got tired of waiting there so I decided to leave" He said waiting for the girl to catch up to him

(Y/N) just sighed and walked next to him

"That's not nice yknow," (Y/N) started trying to strike up a conversation with the angel "Leaving without a word"
Dark Pit just huffed and walked faster
"H-hey calm down!" (Y/N) huffed as she tried to keep up with the boy

With Emm and Palutena

"There!" Palutena said as she got up after bandaging Emm's legs "Can you walk?" She asked looking at the girl
Emm didn't say anything and tried to get up on her frail feet only to trip again

"Oh dear... You should sit down if you still can't walk..." Palutena said as she looked around the room and then suddenly a light bulb appeared on her head

"You should talk to the others! They have wonderful stories about your brother!" Palutena said smiling "You'd like to hear how your brother was doing before, right?"

Emm didn't answer for a minute
"No, not now that is... I'm a little tired..." She said and lied down on the bed she was sitting on

"Ah! Right... Well you get some rest. I'll be taking my leave now~" The goddess said while waving

"T-thank you!" Emm blurted out suddenly making the goddess stop and look back again in confusion
"Y-you did so much for me!" She said as she got up a little "The least I can do is thank you... You're a goddess afterall..."

Palutena just smiled and thanked back "I should be thanking you~" making the brown haired girl tense up with red cheeks
"For giving me your prayers everyday" And with that the goddess left the room leaving the girl a blushing mess

'The goddess of Light!'
'I must be dreaming! Her smile was so beautiful! Totally fitting for a goddess!'

As Palutena made her way out of the room she came across Viridi who stood infront of her with crossed arms
"What's wrong Viridi?" Palutena asked with a confused look

"You're not actually going to let her stay here, are you now?" She asked with an annoyed tone

"Why wouldn't I? Emm is Sean's sister and she deserves a little break." She replied with a small smile gracing her face

"Break? Break?! We're in the middle of war! We need to get ready!" Viridi yelled as she took a step forward towards Palutena which she only replied by standing still with a serious face

"You might think it's easy to look after humans but look what happened to Sean!" She took a deep breath and relaxed "Look... Palutena... If the others get attached to her and we lose her it's not going to be very good now, is it?" She asked with a raised brow

"You're right, Viridi... But we can't let her stay down there or she is going to get hurt," Palutena said with a frown "We won't let Emm get hurt and I'll make sure the others won't get too attached to her-"

"Attached to whom?"

The goddesses were startled by the familiar voice that suddenly interrupted their little conversation. Both of them looked towards the voices owner and saw none other than Mania

"Mania..." Palutena whispered

"So you're going to keep her locked away from us huh?" She asked with an annoyed tone with her hands on her hips

"This is for the best Mania! If you get too attached to her you might get hurt too!" Viridi said fully turning towards the monster

"Alright, calm down, both of you. Mania, we know how much you cared for Sean but if you get too attached to Emm you might get hurt again." Palutena said trying to ease the atmosphere
"We can't allow you to get too close to her..." She said with a sad smile

After hearing that Mania just looked at her feet and turned away and walked towards where Pit was training

To be continued

I hope you enjoyed the chapter
I'm sorry it's short here is the explanation why:
Ugh omg I'm so sorry! I have been losing motivation and Fire emblem three houses just came out and I'm playing it 24/7
If you guys play it which house did you choose
Yknow I'm not trying to sway your opinion but... You? Me? Golden Deer? We could be great together~
(Claude can shoot me with his arrow and I'd thank him)
Thank you for coming to my ted talk

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