Chapter 1

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The Underworld

"Hello there my little angel~"

A voice was heard from the black cave
Before the black cave was an angel
"Hello Lord Hades" She said in a monotone tone

"Well why are you standing there come on in dearie~"

The Dark angel nodded and flew inside
When she went there Hades opened his hand so she could sit on it

"So my little angel is Medusa resurrected~?"

"Yes Lord Hades. Medusa is back just like you expected."

"Well that's amazing isn't it?! Now you know the rule about not talking about me to Medusa or anyone else that would just ruin the fun wouldn't it~?"


"Now go little angel and be a little help to Medusa okay~?"

"As you wish Lord Hades." She said and she got back up on her feet and flew away.

The angel slowly made her way towards the lady she was going to serve for the time being

"And who might you be...?" Said Medusa in a scary voice

"I'm your servant My Lady." She said and got in one knee while putting one hand on her heart and one on the back and bowing

"Hmm~ now you might be just what I need to defeat them~ What's your name little one?"


"(Y/N)... That's... A really familiar name... Well whatever I need to get to deploying my troops."

"My Lady no need for that. I already did that."


"Yes My Lady. I deployed all the troops and gave them proper orders to defeat that goddess." She said while getting back up

".... Now aren't you a smart one I like you. Now go and help Pandora set up her labrynth of deceit!"

"As you wish My Lady."

She got up and flew away. When she got to the sky she saw that the space pocket open up... She was late... But how?! She was sure that place was hidden perfectly thanks to the reapers unless... Oh no... The reapers have been defeated!

She saw a white angel in front of the space pocket
When she saw him she directly flew somewhere to hide

"Who in the underworld was that?!" She whispered to herself

"That my dear was Pitty-pat~" Said Hades when he god hacked his way into your brain

"So he is the one I'm supposed to kill My Lord?"

"That's correct little one. Now go and help our dear Pandora okay~"

"Right... Sorry for the delay"
She said as she flew back to the portal
When she got in a lot of lights have started flashing before her causing her to flinch and close her eyes with her hands. The angel was a little further from her

Pit's POV

"I sense some weird presence around you pit..." Said the goddess of light

"Woah and how did you know that?!" I replied shocked

"From the heavens I can see through your laurel crown to divine your surroundings~." Lady Palutena answered

Don't tell me she-?!

"Woah! That's... uhh... something..."

"And that's not all I can see,I can also see what's in your heart~ so you better not be thinking anything.... Naughty~"

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