Chapter 36

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The battle cries from the both sides had filled the air. Instead of rain it was raining blood... The sky was grey while everyone fought for their lives this monster... This creature... It was having fun

As their weapons clashed (Y/N) let out a battle cry while swinging her staff towards the robot who was able to block every blow thanks to it's body being made of hard metal

"Raielle! Enough with this madness!" (Y/N) yelled as she struggled to keep her ground against the robot

"Madness?! Dearie, this is the most fun I've had for over who-knows-how-long!" She yelled as she threw a punch towards (Y/N)'s face. (Y/N) barely dodged letting the metal scrape her cheek. As the two were fighting a huge blast cut through between the two making the two girls jump away.

The two looked towards the way that the beam came from. Raielle removed her bangs from her left eye to show her robotic eye and adjusted it to see the owner of the beam. When she finally noticed the beams owner she was hit by the back of (Y/N)'s staff on top of her head making her fall to the ground

"Ha! Take that!" (Y/N) said as she hit her on the head once more, making her unable to move.
"You may be something strong but analyzing stuff is still hard for you, isn't it?"
Raielle could only groan at the comment as (Y/N) placed a foot on her back making the robot tremble a little

"Now... Why don't you retreat your little army and we can get through this without making me disassemble you,Dearie~"

Raielle smirked as she tried to get up again only for her to get hit on her head again making her fall down.
"Who gave you the permission to struggle you hunk of metal?" (Y/N) said as she stepped on the robots face

"Listen! This is not a game! If I were you I'd be quiet like a grave and obey like a dog!" She then looked up to the sky and yelled someones name who Raielle couldn't hear because she was glitching a little

The one who came down made the robot stop moving and look at the person in disbelief...

No way... She thought She can't be the one who is standing in front of me...

"Lady Palutena. I caught her." (Y/N) started to throw reports after another like a chikd telling their mother what they had accomplished at school.

Raielle still couldn't move and was mesmerized by the woman who was standing in front of her. When she finally snapped out of her thoughts she realized that half of the army had been taken out or had retreated

She took a deep breath and sighed dramatically only to yell

Everything had stopped moving in thin air... It was as if time had stopped and only the three girls were aware of it.

Pit,Mania,Reipa and Sean were all looking at eachother like dumbfounded kids who had just broken a vase when all the monsters stopped moving

Raielle yelled again

All of them were shocked...
Why is she giving up so easily...? Dark Pit thought to himself as he flew towards the three girls

When he arrived he slowly started to hear their voices.
"There! I did it! Now let go!" Raielle was struggling under (Y/N)'s feet who only started to press harder everytime she tried to escape

"What is the meaning of this!" Palutena yelled as she glared at Raielle

"What?" Raielle looked at the goddess with a confused look "I did what you wanted? Isn't that what you wanted?"

"Yes but... For you to give you to give yp this easily... It feels too easy..." (Y/N) said as she looked at the robot in disbelief

"I mean if you want me to call them back, sure-Ouch!"
"Don't you even dare!" (Y/N) yelled as she held her staff towards the robots face again

"What's going on?" Dark Pit finally spoke up "Is she surrendering?"

"I... Think so..." Plautena said as she looked at the robot with a hand covering her mouth

"Well!? What are we waiting for!? Get her to skyworld and throw her into a jail!" He demanded

"Right! Right! It feels weird to agree with him though..." Palutena said as white light surrounded them

"I know right!" (Y/N) yelled before they all disappeared

When they were at skyworld the centurions quickly grabbed Raielle and harshly threw her to a jail making the metal scraping sound loudly

"no no no No!" She quickly ran rowards the bars shaking them in an attempt at trying to rip them out

"Don't struggle." Said a male voice from far away. Raielle looked towards the voices owner and saw a boy with black messy hair who wore a lot of black.

"Sean..." Raielle said slowly while looking at the boy

"Hey come on! You won't leave me here right?! I can help you know!" Raielle said with a crazed smile on her face

Sean just looked blankly at the girl and walked away slowly leaving the robot all alone in the darkness

Raielle started panicking and tried to reach out to the boy in an attempt at catching him only to miss him by a centimeter
"No come back! Don't leave me here!"

Raielle's worthless pleads and screams filled the empty hallway

As Sean went outside he saw the group talking to eachother. When Reipa noticed he was finally out she gave him a sincere smile and beckoned him to approach them

Finally he started to properly hear their voices

"I say we eat her!"

"Okay first of all,that's disgusting. Second of all,she's made of metal..."

"Well I say we keep her locked up."

"But if she's here wouldn't the Underworld Army might try to find her?"

"They're just brainless monsters they can't think for themselves so we're probably ok..."

"Huh so that explains why you're so dumb."

"Shut it brat!"

"Hey guys!"
Sean's voice made all of them snap out of their conversation and look towards him
"How's the girl?" Mania asked
Sean just sighed and shook his head

"She's a psycopath that hates being alone that's for sure..."

Reipa just looked at him with a quirked brow asking why he said that
"Hates being alone? What?"

"I mean..." He sighed again "She started begging for me to not leave her there and started crying out weirs screams so I just left... Her voice is annoying..."

"Hmm... Her hate of being alone might come from her being trapped for so long..." (Y/N) mumbled but everyone heard her so they looked at her weirdly

"I thought I told you guys? She was trapped in an unkown place for a long time while we were out." (Y/N) said in a matter-of-fact way

"Wait! You knew she was trapped and you didn't think about helping her back then?!" Pit yelled making the angel next to him close her ears

"I didn't have feelings back then... So no I never cared for her... Not even one bit. But now that I think about it... I must have been a real jerk back then huh?" She laughed dryly

"Well yeah... You were kind of a jer-" Sean got cut off by his girlfriend hitting him on the back of his head

"You were emotionless but you couldn't control them back then... You were being controlled so it was normal for you to be like that~" Reipa said now pulling on Sean's ear like a mother would do when their child misbehaves

As the group were talking about what they were going to do with the girl the cries inside the jail did not end

"No no no... Dammit this is no fun at all! If I knew it would end up like this I'd never would have surrendered..."

Raielle was sitting in the corner conteplating her life choices

"Good job Raielle... You're the best..." She said to herself sarcastically while rolling her eye

To be continued

The Dark One (Dark Pit X Reader) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя