Chapter 32

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This place is annoying...

I want out...

I want to burn it down...

Why am I stuck here while they get to have fun...

I want fun too...


What even IS fun?

Can you hold it..?

Can you eat it..?

Can you kill it..?

I hear them laugh all the time together...

Is that fun..?

If so...

Please, Lord Hades...

I want it too...

The place Raielle was stuck in was dark and cold... It was as if not even the room wanted her there...

"I wonder when Milord will let me out... I wonder when he will die... I want to go out!"

Raielle was laying on the ground waving her hands and feet in the air like a child begging to go to an amusement park

The floor was cold... But it didn't bother her since her body was colder than the floor itself
"I hate this body! I hate this room! I hate this place! I just want him to die so I can go out!"

After she was done with her ranting the floor started to shake making her sit up quickly

"What the-!"
Raielle couldn't finish her sentence because the black room she was sitting started to disappear

It was as if some codes were getting ripped out from a game

Finally the whole room disappeared
Raielle wasn't ready for the light so she used her cold, metal, hands to cover her eyes
After sometime she finally got used to the light and removed her hands from her eyes

The place was breathtaking
Countless monsters flying around some of them were in front of Raielle awaiting her command

She was stunned by the beauty of the outside world

The beautiful shiny souls of mortals flying around thanks to the help of the reapers

A mono-eye group was retreating from the mortal world for unknown reasons

Beautiful soul crystals on the floor and shiny komaytos flying around

She couldn't believe her eyes
After all those years of being locked up she was finally out of that wretched place she was forced to call home

Present time

The godesses and the angels/monsters were doing their best at trying to stop this monster whose only purpose is to have  f u n

"Why are you ruining this for me!" Raielle yelled from above as she gave orders to attack

"Why are we ruining this for you?! You're the one who is destroying innocent lives! And you're doing it for what?! Fun?! What kind of a sick mentality do you have!?" Dark Pit yelled as he cut a komayto in half

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