Chapter 2

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When I got out of the labrynth I quickly followed this 'Dark pit' to the ruins

The white angel was still after him too

If I didn't know any better I'd say he's the most persistent stalker I have ever met.

(A/N if you get that reference I love you)

I heard Medusa talk to Palutena while Pit 'flew'

Wait... He can't fly on his own... Pfft HA! What a pathetic angel...

Now that I meantion it... This 'Dark Pit' stole Pandora's powers! That little nothing


calm down (Y/N)... Remember... This is for the sake of Lord Hades... And Medusa I suppose...

"Hmm... The mirror of truth creafed Dark Pit so his allegiance should be to the underworld army but he's fighting against us! How is that possible?!" Said Medusa in a sCaRy voice

"Hmm... I wonder if the mirror cracked before the copy was complete" Said the know-it-all goddess Palutena

"So that explains it..."

"Wait...! If Dark Pit is not with the underworld army... Does that mean I don't have to fight him?" Pit said while scratching his head

Seriously this angel is a total idiot...

"I wished so but his very existence is an error. He's too dark and dangerous to be kept alive! He'll destroy anything that crosses his path!"

"He does seem pretty agro... Ok! Mission -defeat-dark-pit- is on!"

Palutena giggled
"Good luck pit I'll be cheering on you!"

... They're really close... They remind me of Lord Hades and me...

I won't let others die like Pandora... This time I'll help... If I don't then... They might die... If they die Lprd Hades will be defensless not that I'm saying he's weak or anything but if anything happens to Lord Hades... I won't care who it is that hurt him... If he gets hurt so do I... I have no intention of dying.

When the oh so amazing air battle we all went to the ruins for land battle

Of course I stayed hidden to watch

Pit started following the underworld monsters to find.... Pittoo... This goddess is weirder than Lord Hades...

"Pit look that's a cherubot!"
Said Palutena happily

"Woah! That's amazing! Cherubot,you are my new best friend! Don't tell Lady Palutena..." Said Pit while getting inside the bot

After a few kicks and shooting Pittoo fled to somewhere more hidden. It was kinda like underground with small cracks to provide light

"It looks like it used to be a temple here." Said the know-it-all

"Yes it WAS! Until those humans forgot about it and turned it into ruin! They asked for goods from the gods and then ABANDONED US!" Said Medusa angrily

"Anyways... Pittoo should be around here somewhe- PIT WATCH OUT!"


I looked doen from the cracks to see that Pittoo kicked Pit on his side to make him fall

Poor boys ribs are probably in pieces right now...

"You guys chatted enough now it's time to fight!"

The Dark One (Dark Pit X Reader) Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα