Chapter 5

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"Everyone get into your positions! Now!" Said the (H/C) girl

"Yes finally!" Said Mania while returning back to her real form which is really ugly

"Mania! You have to lay low! Remember the plan and go back to the castle and tell them about the breakthrough!" Said Reipa getting her scythe out and putting her cloak around her neck and pulling the hood up

"(Y/N) go with Mania! We need you in the castle next to Lady Medusa!" Said Sean

"Alright!" Said the both of them and started flying

Once they reached the castle they split up and told everyone to get into their positions

(Y/N) was in the main room with the hot spring. She was going to the exit door to reach Medusa until the door busted open.

"I made it!.... Huh!?" It was that 'Pit'

Dangit he saw her... What should she do?!

Run away?

When she was lost in thoughts a black aura surrounded her and suddenly she appeared infront of Medusa

"When did you get here?" She asked menacingly

The angel was shocked

Suddenly she heard a voice in her head
"I did that for you~ are you greatful~? I did it because I want to see a real fight between you and him at a different time~ toodles"

It was none other than Hades

"Thank you Lord Hades..." She mumbled under her breath

"What was that?" Medusa turned to her and crouched down onto her level

"Nothing My Lady." The angel replied.

They started to get prepared for the fight.


I decided to talk to sean since I was bored

"Awww did the little (Y/N) miss me~?" He asked teasingly

I sent a meteor to crush him but again... He was alive... Unfortunately

He broke the meteor in half
"Owieeee~ (Y/N) be a little gentle would you~."

"Ugh Reipa, can you reap his soul for me?"

"Not when you say it publically like that." She deadpanned

"You guys were more fun when you were just normal troops!" Yelled Mania from the castle

"We have a world to run. 'Fun' is not allowed!" I yelled back.

I soon then realized pit had already defeated the copies of twinbellows and Pandora

Only one left...

Once Pit defeated the fake hydra he started getting closer to Medusa and me

To be honest I was kinda afraid... Seeing him taking out wveryone around him like that makes me womder who the real monster is... Those souls also had families y'know so seeing him be so insensitive makes me wanna puke

And finally... The show had begun...

To be continued...

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