Chapter 37

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"So... What's the deal with her?" Emm asked as she pointed towards Raielle who shut herself down

"Oh! You know the classic stuff. Someone who is an underling of Hades tried to start a war and tried to murder us all." Pit said sarcastically

The group was still thinking about the girl they had imprisoned. While they were helplessly looked at the hunk of metal that was sitting in front of them

Reipa slowly approached her and crouched next to her. After her little movement Raielle's eyes suddenly shot open with a small sound that made Reipa jump back. Sean was about to attack but Mania put a hand on his shoulder,telling him to calm down

The new awakened Raielle looked around and saw a bunch of people surrounding her

"Oh yeah! I got captured by you guys, right? I totally forgot about that while sleeping!" She said while yawning

Dark Pit arched a brow and went next to her "You're just a hunk of metal, how can you sleep?"

Raielle got offended at his remark and quickly got up and made a dramatic pose with her hand on her heart and one on her forehead
"Oh dear! How you wound me!" She suddenly looked directly at him while pointing a finger at him "The correct term is 'robot'! I'll see you in court for you robophobic remarks!"

"Hey! Back off!" (Y/N) said as she pushed Raielle away from Dark Pit

Raielle stumbled back but regained her balanced after a few seconds and smirked
"Aww~ Dearie~ Don't tell me you got jelous~"

(Y/N) face got hot and she touched her face and quickly looked to the side, away from Dark Pit to avoid eye contact
"Quiet... It's nothing like that..."

She quickly snapped back to reality and looked angrily at Raielle
"Anyways! Why did you start the war dammit we just got over one a few years ago!?"

"Y'know your face is still red as a tomato." Raielle said placing a hand on her hip while checking her nails

"That's not the problem right now! And besides you have no nails so stop checking your metalic fingers as if you have some!"

"Okay I think that's enough."
Reipa jumped in to break the fight of the two girls
"(Y/N), you're too flustered right now, go take a break in your room."

(Y/N) just puffed her cheeks and walked out the jail with a red face

"Wow! I never thought she'd listen to you so quickly!" Mania said putting both hands on Reipa's shoulders while shaking her slightly

Sean chuckled at the two girls and ruffled Reipa's hair
"She must've realized that in her state she wouldn't be much of a help~"

"A-anyways!" Reipa shoved off both of their hands and cleared her throat "Raielle tell us why you did this?!"

Raielle just fake sighed and rolled her eye "How many times do I have to tell you? I did it for fun!"

"Yeah... No..." Dark Pit said while crossing his arms "There's no way you'd start a war just to have fun."

Sean got near the robot and knocked on her head for a few times
"Yeah there must be a catch. You were probably trying to kill (Y/N) to release Hades' soul, right?"

Raielle shook her head and stomped her foot
"Will you guys stop including (Y/N) all the time! Not everything is about her! Like I said I did it because I was bored! What would you do if you first go out to the outside world and the only thing you knew was bloodshed, huh?"

"Wait what..." Pit said taking the robots words into consideration
"The first time you've been outside?"

The room becomes quiet but Raielle's laugh breaks it all
"Don't tell me you guys didn't know?! I've been stuck in the underworld for who knows how long!"

The room becomes quiet again while Raielle does another dramatic pose
"So what will we do now? Do we break her?" Sean said while tugging on the robots hair

"Ow! Hey! Stahp!" Raielle yelled as she grabbed her hair and tugged back
"I may be a robot but I can still get hurt yknow! My hair is connected to my chip, stop pulling on it-OW!"

Dark Pit had joined the fray. The two boys kept tugging on the girls hair making her scream.

Mania just laughed while Reipa watched from the corner as the boys kept torturing the hunk of metal

Raielle's eyes were tearing up and she started sniffing "Stop! Stop! It hurts dammit! What do you want me to do?!"

But they didn't respond as they kept tugging on her hair while she kept screaming
"Okay but what do we do now?" Sean asked again, speaking a little loudly to die down Raielle's screams

"I don't know~ Maybe we'll just dissassemble her and put her back~" Mania said while walking towards the girl and tugged one of her bangs which made Raielle scream even more

"I think that's enough..."

All of them looked at the voices owner and it was none other than (Y/N) who was standing in front of the cell. She looked a little more composed than earlier and her face was back to it's normal colour again

Both of the monsters let go of the robots hair but Dark Pit's hand remained as he kept tugging while the robot was sniffing

(Y/N) walked towards the robot and looked at Dark Pit
"Let go. You're hurting her. We can get info out of her." (Y/N) spoke in a disciplined matter

"Okay one second you're an emotional mess and the next second you're a fucking dictator. I'm starting to think you're bipolar." Raielle said as she looked at (Y/N) dead im the eye which made her blush again

"I just composed myself! Remember you're prisoner!" (Y/N) started to become defensive

"Wow! Chill! What's wrong with you today? Wanna go outside and have some fresh O2?" Mania said as she walked up to (Y/N) and put a hand on her shoulder

(Y/N) just sighed and walked out of the cell again with Mania by her side
"We'll be back in a sec! You guys interrogate her while we're gone~" Mania said while winking

"And by 'interrogate' you mean torture her, right?" Reipa said while smirking at the blondie

"Yup!" And with that Mania and (Y/N) vanished from their sight

When they made it outside Mania asked the girl what was wrong which she just stayed quiet. Mania didn't want to push (Y/N) if she didn't want to talk but after sometime she finally opened up

"Do you ever have that... Yknow... Feeling? Like! Something is going bruggle bruggle in your stomach when you're near this some-Actually no let's say I hypothetically 'liked' someone but only hypothetically! Would it be wrong to... Yknow uhh... Act on those feelings..?" (Y/N) said while blushing like crazy and making weird motions with her hands

Mania looked at the girl with wide eyes. Her trademark smile disappearing for the first time in her life

"Okay so first you're bad at explaining and second of all... YOU LOVE DARK PIT?!"
(Y/N) just looked at the ground with her skin going pale and placed a hand on her cheek

"Oh no..."

"I really do like that idiot..."

To be continued

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