Chapter 34

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She who dared to ruin their reign of peace
She who dared to desecrate the land of the rising sun
She who dared to close the light with a blanket of dark
She who failed
She who'll return
She who goes by the name Raielle
Must be Erased

"Rise and shine ursine!"

The loud girly voice came through the other side of the wooden door making the one inside the room groan in annoyance

"Go away, Mania!" The other voice yelled from inside the blankets but rather than being obedient and leaving, the blondie kicked down the door making her friend jolt in her bed

"I said..." Mania began as she walked towards the bed "Rise and Shine~"

The girl slowly got up and rubbed her eyes slowly while some saliva was drooling from her mouth
"I'm up... I'm up..." She said lazily while stretching "-Ow!"

The (H/C) hair coloured girl groaned in pain when she heard her wing snap back into place "Oww... I must've slept..." She yawned mid-sentence "...wrong if it snapped like that..."

The blond haired girl quickly opened the curtains making angel in bed hiss because of all the sudden light. Mania chuckled a little before talking
"You're still not used to the temples light, right?" She said as she slowly gazed outside and crossed her arms "The same goes for me..."
Mania sighed and then looked back at her friend again
"Come on get ready~ Everybody is already eating breakfast~"
And with that the soul eater slowly walked outside with her usual smile

(Y/N) flopped back onto her bed with her arm resting over her eyes


She reluctantly got up and dressed up in her usual tunic and slowly went towards the dining area where everybody was apparently eating at the moment

While walking she slowly looked up to the clear blue sky thinking about the events that had happened recently

The peace was broken and suddenly a girl showed up claiming to be Sean's older sister

Everything had happened so suddenly that it was a wonder that all of them were able to adapt to it so quickly

'... I'm still super confused...'

(Y/N) thought to herself as she opened the door to the dining hall

Her eyes searched the room for her friends
When she finally saw them she saw that most of them were looking sad as they ate in peace

It was a weird sight to see since almost all their meals always had everyone laughing or talking

She slowly walked towards the group after she took some bread from the counter, asking them what was wrong as she approached

Reipa sighed and kept playing with the left over crumbs on her plate with her fork
"It's just..." She paused again "Everything happened so quickly I don't think my brain can handle it all..."

"Wow... Even something that doesn't exist can get tired huh~?" Mania said while laying her head on the table making the reaper frustrated

"You little-"
"Now now Let's not fight~"
Sean interrupted their little fight

"Instead of fighting you two should train more" Dark Pit started as he ate a sausage "You two are weaker than a rat caught in a trap" He continued while munching down on his food

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