Chapter 20

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"So today is the day Pit's going to fight Hades... Right?"
(Y/N) asked to Dark Pit who was standing next to her

"Yeah. You seem worried."

"Oh! Me! Why would I be?! I'm perfect!"


A stern voice came from behind. When they turned around they saw Reipa, Mania and Sean with stern looks on their faces

"(Y/N)! You know what this means right!?" Mania yelled with tears in her eyes


(Y/N) just stayed quiet

They were standing on a hill and looking at the sky that had gone red thanks to Hades...

"(Y/N), you're our friend... We can't lose you!" Sean said

"What are they talking about?"

Dark Pit looked at (Y/N) with an eyebrow raised

"It doesn't matter. Everything will be fine guys. I'll find a way out of there." (Y/N) said with a shaky thumbs up

"(Y/N)..." Sean mumbled

"Sean... I'm sorry I can't return your feelings... But we're still friends... Right?!"

"O-oh! No need to worry about that! The thing is that, my crush on you has faded away... I know it's weird but it's true! Well anyways I have to go and get Sean jr. , we're going to train with him. Right guys?!"

"Yeah!" Mania and Reipa shouted at the same time

Sean walked past Dark Pit and before he walked away he held his shoulder

"Take good care of her. Okay?"

Was all he said before giving him a huge smile
(I smell the gay//slapped)

What did he mean by that?

Dark Pit held his stomach

"W-what's wrong?!"

"That pit-stain got himself in trouble again! We gotta help him!"


With Pit

"You can't give up now, Pit. You're too handsome to loose... I'm really starting to loose it..."

Pit was talking to himself until the ground started shaking

"What was that?!"

"Apparently Viridi cannot handle her own business. I gotta go now~ Can't make my guest wait~"

And with that Hades left Pit completely alone in his... Uhh... Stomach?

"Whatever they're doing it's pretty quiet..."

With Mania, Sean, Sean jr and Reipa

"You have to have your head up and always look at your opponent. No looking backwards. Focus on the opponent." Reipa was teaching Sean jr. How to wield a spear properly

"I still can't believe you learned to wield a spear just by watching Pit fight..." Mania said while laying on the ground throwing a tennis ball up and down

Then suddenly they heard a loud crash...

It was the Underworld forces!

"W-WHA-HOW?!" Mania yelled getting up

"I thought Hades was busy with Pit today..." Sean scratched his head then turned to Mania

"Mania take care of Sean we'll deal with these guys!"

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