Twenty-Two, Dane

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"So, you're taking her to meet your parents?"

"Yup, pretty sure they need to meet the mother of their grandkid at some point."

"Wait you haven't told them she's pregnant?" Deegan looked at me in disbelief as we pulled into the driveway. I just shook my head no.

Both of us were basically living here, I mean we both had clothes here, both slept here every night. I canceled the reoccurring hotel room about 5 months ago when Austyn asked me to move in. Deegan just kind of kept coming over and not leaving so he pretty much lives here now too. Plus, wherever Austyn was, that's where my home was. Austyn and I have been together for 6 months. She just so happens to be 5 months pregnant, and I couldn't be happier.

I walked into the house Deegan right behind me. He ran upstairs I assume to shower since Cassie was at work still.


"Laundry!" I smiled heading to the laundry room finding my girl.

"Hey beautiful, you almost ready?" She walked over placing a soft kiss on my lips, I leaned down kissing her belly which has poked out quite a bit for only being five months along, but the doctors tell us everything is normal. We have another appointment today before we leave for New York to meet my parents.

"Yes, I'm all packed and I have you all packed. Food, snacks, drinks, tums, prenatal pills. I'm pretty sure I have everything." She laughed pulling my lips back up to hers. Since I was kissing her belly non-stop.

"I love you." I said causing her to smile against my lips.

"I love you too, we should probably go before this turns into something more." She backed away and left me in the laundry room. She didn't know what she did to me still, I wanted her all the time.

We hopped in the truck and headed to the doctor's appointment, once I loaded up our bags, we wanted to be ready to leave from there to drive to New York. It'll be the first time she meets my parents and well my family in person, and the appointment today we're hoping to find out the sex, so that we can drop it all on them at once.

This is going to be an eventful Thanksgiving Dinner.

I parked and ran over to help her out of the truck.

"Pregnant not disabled." She smiled.

"Act like I don't always open the door for you." I smiled taking her hand and leading her into the office. I signed her in, and we took a seat. Somehow the second we sat down she was called back.


"That's me, holy crap that was fast."

"Yea the appointment before you was a no show." She shrugged her shoulders. "So, we hoping to find out baby gender today?"

"Yes! We've been dying to know! He is already picking out boy names." She laughed pointing at me. I just nodded my head.

"Alright well sit down, pants down a little, good....and this is going to be a little cold." She squirted the gel on and instantly started moving around the wand. After all of her measurements she looked at the screen confused. "I, I'll be right back."

"Is everything okay?" I asked overly concerned.

"Yes, just give me one second." She got up and left the room.

"What did she see?" Austyn looked at me scared to death.

"I have no idea it all looks like a grey and white blur to me." I kissed her forehead.

"What if something is wrong with the baby?"

"Aust calm down babe."

A doctor walked in, he shook my hand then Austyn's.

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