One, Austyn

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"Cass I just need a drink, are you ready yet?!" I yelled for my roommate for the third time in the past 10 minutes. "Seriously, no seats are going to be available by the time we make it down there!" I sighed standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting for her to come out of her room.

"Oh, hush act like you're the one trying to get a man to come back home tonight." She came out of her room and headed down the stairs. I rolled my eyes at her and headed for the door.

Cassie is a very single woman with curves any man would be stupid to ignore, pure sex walking out of the house right now was an understatement. Long blonde hair with gorgeous beach waves, beautiful sparkling blue eyes and she's almost exactly the same height as I am, maybe an inch taller. Her chest size a lot bigger than mine though, which tends to get her a lot of attention as she flaunts the hell out of them all the time.

Let me back up and explain me little. I grew up with a silver spoon in my mouth so to speak, or at least that's how everyone saw us, but having everything handed to me didn't come without a price. My parents thought they were doing the right thing by spoiling the shit out of my twin brother and I. Throwing us huge birthday bashes like you'd see on MTV and all. Even as far as buying us super expensive cars when we were 16. I ended up with an Audi RS4 after begging them for it, my brother a Porsche. No 16-year-old should have either of those cars, the catch to it was they were both stick shift, so we had no choice but to learn.

See, with my parents there was always a catch with everything that was given to us. A pony for my 10th birthday but, I had to be the one taking care of it instead of our stable hands that took care of my mom's horses. My brother got a laptop when we were 12 but they told him if he wanted games or to have internet, he had to pay them for it...we were 12.

Looking back now, I guess it was a good thing and made us way more responsible for our actions, but as a child... it sucked. On our 18th birthday they told us we can either move out or start paying rent. As if they needed another dime. They had a ridiculous amount of money both of them being Neurologists, obviously they didn't need it. Either way we weren't allowed to touch the money they left us until we were 23, so we chose to move out. We got a place together and both went to business school.

Now, here I am 24 years old, 5' 4" tall, with slightly wavy, dark brown hair that falls about halfway down my back, green eyes, apparently I was some kind of catch, but never had anyone chasing after me. Oh, and I had a shitload of money that just sat and gained interest. I still have my RS4 by choice, 8 years old and has never left me stranded, I love my baby. I own my own home, and help run the nightclub empire, as my brother calls it, here in Austin Texas and basically, I'm still a loser.

I couldn't complain though, I was very lucky. My ex and I bought the place outright and did a bunch of renovations ourselves. Then he cheated on me and got some girl pregnant and took off with her. I understood he had to do the right thing, but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt. He left me the house and didn't fight about it at all. It was mostly my money invested in the place anyway. My name was on everything not his. My best friend Cassie ended up moved in, her and I have been friends since we were 4. Mainly because she hated living with her parents, though she tells everyone she didn't want to see me living alone. It wasn't bad either. I needed her, I needed my best friend to tell me I was beautiful as I was crying my eyes out half in some Ben and Jerry's. 

She has always been there for me and having her around is just amazing. Plus, it fills one of the 5 bedrooms in this place.

The house was gorgeous, I loved it the second we looked at it. You walk in the door to an open layout. Stairs to the upstairs four bedrooms with several bathrooms to the right. Downstairs there was a living room to the right from the door, the kitchen straight ahead, garage off to the left. Once inside the kitchen you could get to the gorgeous deck outback with an amazing view. To the right goes back to the living room, a formal dining room and bathroom, also my in home office. You could also get down into our basement from there which had another bathroom, and a bedroom. It wasn't anything extravagant but it was mine and I loved it.

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