Six, Dane

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Well hello morning. I have not a single complaint about this morning even a little bit. Well maybe one, my morning breath. Morning after alcohol breath is horrible but that's like everyone's concerns, right? I wouldn't really know I can't remember the last time I had spent the night with a woman, like actually spent the night.

This morning however I had the most beautiful girl in my arms whom at the moment was kissing up and down my neck in all my weak spots. Making getting rid of this morning wood incredibly difficult. As much as I wanted to flip her over and take her right here, I couldn't allow myself to do that, and once we took it to that level that would be it for me, I'm getting older and don't want to deal with anymore one-night stands. I felt something for this woman, and it was something fierce.

Just as I was about to move on top of her morning breath be dammed just to kiss her hard and long, someone had other plans as my hotel door swung open causing us both to jump like teenagers caught in the act, she buried her head in my chest.

"Yeoman! Woah man!" I closed my eyes and shook my head laughing while putting my arms back around Austyn and pulling her closer helping her hide. "Well I wasn't told there was going to be a lady here!" I couldn't see him, but I knew that his arms were up in the air.

"You also were told to call not drop by. But you listen so well to everything you are told to begin with." I put my lips next to her ear. "I've got to sit up now." She nodded her head sitting up with me, I kept my arms around her. "This is my unfortunate friend Deegan." Letting go of her I stood up after readjusting myself in my pajama pants.

"Dude, what in the hell!" He threw his hands up because of the use of his real name. Very few people knew his real name for good reason. Same reason that most didn't know mine.

"It's cool Deegan, we don't need the charade around her." She looked at me weird.

"I have questions about that, but first..." she pointed to the bathroom and shy smiled. I laughed and nodded.

"There's a new toothbrush and all in the drawer if you'd like also." I told her as she made it to the hallway. She nodded slightly as she reached the door, we both watched until she lightly closed it behind her.

"Dude. Hot. As. Fuck." He smacked me on the back his normal Texas accent laid on strong. "Real names really though? We don't tell anyone anything and now here we are. Like what in the actual fuck are you thinking Jay? I'm already in a place right around the corner from where I grew up, but now her. I don't know her." He crossed his arms.

"I'm thinking that I know what I'm doing. Exactly what I am doing." He followed me to my room while I brushed my teeth and took a piss. I don't know if I mentioned this, but he was my best friend. My partner. One of the 4 people that actually know the real me. To everyone else I run off several names, nothing is real in this life I lead besides those 4 people, and now Austyn.

"Do you though? Like this is just some chick. How do you know she isn't one of his people? We haven't figured out how deep this shit goes yet, and all this for some chick?"

"Did you come for a reason or just to be a dick?" I knew he was right, but he had to trust my instincts to know better.

"She can compromise everything Jay, everything. Years of all the shit we've been doing, trying to get to the top of all this bullshit, and she could fuck it all. Every single bit of it can be thrown out the window like that." Snapping his finger while whispering he kept checking the door to see if she came out of the bathroom. "Seriously real name, your hideout, god knows what else you've told her, all for a quick fuck?" I pushed him against the wall.

"She isn't a quick fuck." He knows me, he knows that I haven't been about just getting my dick wet for months now.

"What the hell did I walk in on then what was that?! I mean you are a guy after all and she... well she's in your clothes, smoking fucking hot, and y'all were making out like dude come on!"

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