Ten, Dane

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As if this morning wasn't hard enough, no pun intended, I was now having a harder time keeping myself under control. Austyn was currently on top of me. No matter how much I moved, not wanting to at all, she wasn't stopping. I was secretly okay with this, all of me wanted to take every bit of her right this second.

"Austyn! Oh god! Shut the door next time!" I couldn't hold back the laughter that came out of me. Austyn was bright red, and I was laughing hysterically. She put her head down on my chest and I ran my hands up and down her back.

"I did say they would become impatient quickly. I don't know Cassie very well, but I know Deegan is a go getter. He doesn't like to stop." I laughed again this time she joined me and pushed herself off my chest, standing up right away. I couldn't stop laughing and she hid her face again. I stood up and took her arms away from her face. "Don't hide from me, please." I pleaded with my eyes when she looked at me.

"I am so embarrassed like first off, how in the hell does a guy like you even agree to hang out with me?" She was smiling but I could tell she was being serious and projecting her insecurities that probably have something to do with that girl earlier. She just didn't know how amazing or beautiful she really was. I made a mental point to be sure to show her.

"There isn't a thing to be embarrassed about."

"Ugh yes there is."

"No, there isn't, and you are a beautiful woman. That hopefully will agree to letting me take her out on a proper dinner tomorrow night."

"Like a date?"

"In every sense of the word. I want to get all dressed up and take you somewhere you'll never forget."

"Really?" She had a shy but ear to ear smile and it was glorious. I wanted to pull her back to me and go back to what we previously were in the middle of, but I knew I had to wait. This no longer was about me. This was about us, our future, if she'll have me.


"I would love to go on a date with you." I smiled and let go of her hands.

"Well in order for tomorrow to come quicker we need to get down there before they both come up here." She laughed this time sliding her sneakers on and leaving me in the room.

I shook my head a few times laughing before grabbing my keys and gun, sliding it in the back of my waistband, and made my way downstairs. Before I hit the last step, everyone was filling out the door. Austyn locked it and shut it behind us. I ran over to my Jeep opening the passenger door for her.

"Thank you." She said with a shy smile ducking her head down and jumping in. I smiled at her shutting her door before running over and hopping in the driver seat. I got the Jeep started as Austyn typed in the address on my GPS, and off we went. It was about 15 minutes away.

"This place have food?" I looked at Deegan in the rear view knowing exactly what game he was playing. He always made fun of me for my eating habits. I rolled my eyes at him before grabbing a piece of cinnamon gum out of the center, which everyone declined when I offered.

"Uh, yea they do." Austyn responded not looking up from her phone.

"Like fast nasty greasy shit? Cause my man here doesn't eat fast food." Deegan slapped my shoulder. I felt Austyn's eyes on me, so I turned my head to her and smiled before looking back at the road.

"You don't?" I shook my head no. "I can't live without some burger king. What about tacos? Like at an actual taco stand."

"I eat tacos." I laughed

"Yea without the tortilla." I sighed and rolled my eyes giving Deegan a warning look.

"Deegan, tell me more." Austyn turned in her seat. I just laughed and continued driving.

Falling For a Hitman (Hitman Series Pt. 1)Where stories live. Discover now