Sixteen, Dane

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It's been a few days shy of two weeks. Two weeks without her in my arms, without her kiss, without her smell, and without feeling her soft skin under my fingers.

Two weeks too long.

Every chance we got we were on the phone either texting, calling, or video chatting. Every single free second I had went to her. While we were driving both Deegan and I were video calling the girls. While eating I was texting her constantly, and while out doing our surveillance we were on the phone talking.

Today was no different, we were driving. Deegan ran into the store while I filled up the car that was given to us to drive to San Jose, California. We were actually on our way back to Texas, on our way back home, but still had at least a full day's drive if not more ahead of us.

Austyn was off today, really off, and I mean her mood. She is always happy, always excited to see me on video, always smiling. Today she wasn't at all, happy to see me but not smiling.

We hadn't told the girls we were on our way back because we wanted to surprise them, so I couldn't even tell her that to try and cheer her up. We've been on video call for about 40 minutes already and she still hasn't told me what's upsetting her, and it was frustrating me.

"Baby, can you please tell me what's going on?" I asked her finally. My chest hurt knowing she was upset.

"Dane I'm fine."

"Austyn you're off, we're still learning about one another and I know you are having an off day. Please." I begged her.

"What even are we?"

"Well, all-in." I smiled and she did too, but it wasn't her usual full smile that I crave. "Listen, I wanted to wait till we were back so I could hold you while I asked you like we were teenagers to be my girlfriend officially, but I'd like to think that is what we are. I am yours Austyn, and I'd like to think that you are mine."

"I am" She smiled, almost the full smile.

"Okay then, tell me." I gave her my full smile and attention as I leaned on the side of the car with phone in hand.

"Ugh." She sighed defeated. "Fine, I am overloaded with work, it is overwhelming. You know we have several clubs all around Texas and usually I just have to stay at the two that are in Austin. But something happened and I need to go to the one in San Antonio before Monday, and the one in Dallas before next Friday because of whatever the hell the manager there did to fuck everything up in the books. I can't even get there because some asshole ran a stop sign this morning and totaled my car, I mean pristine condition and less than 100k miles and only 8 years old, but you know it's too old for them to freaking fix! To top it all off I was supposed to already get my period four days ago, so my mood is just ugh!" She clapped her free hand over her mouth. "Oh god that was embarrassing, I'm so sorry, you don't need to know about my monthly friend."

I couldn't help but laugh. Apparently, her favorite laugh, which caused her to pull her hand away from her face.

"First off, the accident are you okay?" All of me became super tense as I waited for her reply.

"Yes, I wasn't in the car. I had to park on the street at the house because Cassie's parents stopped by and we never make them park on the street."

"Okay, good. I'll come back to the car thing. You're stressed, don't stress about your 'monthly friend', plus you kind of had sex for the first time in like a year not too long ago, and it wasn't just one time. It was a lot." I laughed, watching her full smile come out. "Plus, if it doesn't come. I need you to know even though we are still getting to know one another, that I am still all-in. I'm not going anywhere and there is nobody in this world I'd rather raise some littles with." I laughed again watching her bite her lip.

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